Random Headlines — 8/31/14

Think Progress – Tearing down the myth of the absent black father.

Jezebel – Why the date rape drug detecting nail polish invented by well-intentioned North Carolina State University students can’t possibly work.

The Daily Beast – Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand reveals how she was sexually harassed by male politicians.

MSNBC – Sen. Gillibrand should not have to name her harassers.

Slate – Judges from the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals shred arguments for “traditional” marriage.

Los Angeles Times – A federal judge struck down a key portion of Texas’ restrictive new abortion law.

Mother Jones – The NFL finally fixes its weak domestic violence penalties.

Joe. My. God. – Fringe hate site LifeSiteNews claims that John the Baptist was killed for opposing “unnatural marriage.”

Queerty – Five reasons why Gavin Newsom deserves more credit for marriage equality.

LGBTQ Nation – Four unsolved murders of transgender women test Baltimore police outreach.

Random Headlines — #FERGUSON Edition

Armed riot cops set off an incendiary device in Ferguson, MO Credit: AP Images
Armed riot cops set off an incendiary device in Ferguson, MO
Credit: AP Images

The brutal murder of a young black male named Michael Brown at the hands of a yet unnamed police officer has seen the city of Ferguson, MO descend into utter chaos; the majority black residents have been pitted against the overwhelmingly white and increasingly militarized police force, which seems hellbent on turning the area into a tear gas-filled war zone. So far there have been scores of arrests, including those of two journalists, as well as cops taunting crowds and referring to protesters as “animals.” This is not just a racial issue, it is a gender issue. Young black men and boys are consistently stereotyped as violent criminals and thugs, often with deadly consequences. Moreover, we must be mindful of the brutality visited upon women and the LGBT community as well. This issue is one which affects us all. Without further ado, here’s the headlines for this ongoing crisis:

Crooks & Liars – President Obama releases a statement on the unrest in Ferguson.

Salon – An eloquent defense of black rage.

Mother Jones – Racist attitudes can make white people believe black people are armed even when they’re not.

Los Angeles Times – The deaths of other black men at the hands of police before Michael Brown.

Right Wing Watch – Racist dunce Rep. Steve King says that racial profiling in Ferguson is no big deal since the protesters are of the same “continental origin.”

The Onion Tips for being an unarmed black teen in America.

Washington Blade – LGBT advocacy groups express solidarity with Michael Brown’s family and the black community.

The Nation – Why the murder of black youth is a reproductive justice issue.

Feministing – Why don’t we hear about female victims of state violence?

We Hunted the Mammoth – MRA on Reddit explains why protesting the death of Michael Brown would be a waste of the Men’s Rights Movement’s precious resources.

The Raw Story – The Ku Klux Klan is raising money for the “hero” cop who killed Michael Brown, whom the racist organization calls a “Jewish controlled black thug.”

Random Headlines — 8/11/14

Mother Jones – Meet the women of the Men’s Rights Movement.

Salon – Are we stuck with sexist trolls forever?

Jezebel – Gawker Media has a rape GIF problem.

Talking Points Memo – Erick Erickson is utterly shocked that women might take offense to being called “barbies.”

The Raw Story – A Christian college is citing the Hobby Lobby decision in its refusal to provide the “abortion causing” Plan B.

Think Progress – This Pennsylvania bridal shop refuses to serve same-sex couples – and does so completely legally.

New York Civil Liberties Union – Here’s your legal guide to breastfeeding rights in New York.

Pink News – A horrifying “Stone the Gays” Bill is introduced in Kenya.

The Atlantic – Really, so what if older guys watch My Little Pony?

AlterNet – 10 of the worst terror attacks by Christian extremists and far-right white men.

Random Headlines — Back in Business Edition

Think Progress – Evangelicals are protesting against the ultra-misogynist pastor Mark Driscoll.

The New York Times – Ugandan court strikes down the draconian Anti-Homosexuality Bill declaring that it was illegally passed.

The Raw Story – Police find cache of weapons inside the house of an Ohio judge who brutally beat his wife.

Feministing – Argentina imprisons a woman for having an abortion along with the people who helped her.

Washington Post – Federal judge rules that Alabama’s restrictive abortion law is unconstitutional.

LGBTQ Nation – Utah files appeals its same-sex marriage case to the Supreme Court.

SalonUSA Today attempts to solve campus rape epidemic with nonsense about excessive drinking.

AlterNet – Four reasons why the GOP’s new “war for women” is a complete joke.

We Hunted the Mammoth – A Voice for Men’s attack dog Janet Bloomfield begins lying about Jessica Valenti and Dave Futrelle because why not?

Hatewatch – Man who attempted to burn down a popular Seattle gay bar receives a 10 year prison sentence.

io9 – Comics artist Randy Queen uses DMCA to silence critics of his needlessly sexualized and contorted female characters.