Misogynists Wonder Why Women Refuse To Listen To Their Amazing Advice

In a December 18, 2019 episode of The Red Man Group, white nationalist YouTube personality Stefan Molyneux sat down with a panel of similarly aggrieved men to discuss why ladies just don’t listen to men these days. Continue reading “Misogynists Wonder Why Women Refuse To Listen To Their Amazing Advice”

‘I Don’t Think There Is A Political Solution’: Neo-Confederate Leader Moves Closer To Embracing Violence

During the 79th episode of Augustus Invictus’ podcast Guerilla Radio, League of the South president Michael Hill predicted that an armed confrontation between white nationalists and their enemies — including the federal government — is now an inevitability. Continue reading “‘I Don’t Think There Is A Political Solution’: Neo-Confederate Leader Moves Closer To Embracing Violence”

Congressional Candidate Tells White Nationalist YouTube Host That ‘Demographics Is Destiny’

Recently Peter D’Abrosca, the white nationalist-backed congressional candidate for North Carolina’s 7th district, made an appearance on Fox’s Tucker Carlson Tonight. Continue reading “Congressional Candidate Tells White Nationalist YouTube Host That ‘Demographics Is Destiny’”

White Nationalist ‘Tradwife’ Overdoses On ’50s Nostalgia And Insists June Cleaver Was Real

In a December 4, 2019 video, white nationalist and self-described “tradwife” Lacey Lauren Clark, who operates under the pseudonym “Lacey Lynn,” revealed that she recently spoke at a conference celebrating the tenth anniversary of the white nationalist podcast The Political Cesspool. Continue reading “White Nationalist ‘Tradwife’ Overdoses On ’50s Nostalgia And Insists June Cleaver Was Real”