Paul Nehlen Accuses The Jews Of Deicide On Atomwaffen-Inspired Podcast

Ever since Paul Nehlen’s white supremacist beliefs were exposed last year, the Wisconsin also-ran has slid further and further into irrelevancy — and has become increasingly unhinged in the process. Continue reading “Paul Nehlen Accuses The Jews Of Deicide On Atomwaffen-Inspired Podcast”

Mike Peinovich: The Only Way To Stop The Alt-Right Is To Accede To Its Racist Demands

On the April 20, 2018 episode of The Daily Shoah, co-hosts Mike Peinovich, Jesse Dunstan, and Alex McNabb discussed a recent article by the SPLC about how people eventually arrive at adopting an alt-right ideology. Continue reading “Mike Peinovich: The Only Way To Stop The Alt-Right Is To Accede To Its Racist Demands”

Suidlanders Spokesman Simon Roche Has Deep Ties To White Supremacist Groups

With Australian politician Peter Dutton’s recent call to grant white South African farmers “refugee” status, it seems as though the alt-right’s “white genocide” meme is finally starting to seep into the mainstream. Continue reading “Suidlanders Spokesman Simon Roche Has Deep Ties To White Supremacist Groups”

White Supremacists And Conspiracy Theorists Rage Over Syrian ‘False Flag’ Attack

It was reported that on April 7, 2018, over 40 people were murdered in a chemical attack in the Syrian city of Douma. According to reports from the World Health Organization’s Health Cluster partners, “an estimated 500 patients presented to health facilities exhibiting signs and symptoms consistent with exposure to toxic chemicals.”

Continue reading “White Supremacists And Conspiracy Theorists Rage Over Syrian ‘False Flag’ Attack”

The Alt-Right Continues To Disintegrate After White Nationalist Troll ‘Ricky Vaughn’ Gets Unmasked

This week the already flailing alt-right movement suffered another major setback as prominent alt-right troll “Ricky Vaughn” was unmasked by fellow white supremacist Paul Nehlen. Continue reading “The Alt-Right Continues To Disintegrate After White Nationalist Troll ‘Ricky Vaughn’ Gets Unmasked”