Amazon Is Selling Books By A White Supremacist Publishing Company

As the largest and wealthiest online retailer, allows customers to by any number of products — from clothes and toys to books and CDs — with the click of a button. And, while Amazon has rules which ostensibly allow it to review and remove products which promote hate speech and calls to violence, it is nevertheless selling multiple books which glorify Nazi Germany, fascism, antisemitism, and white nationalism — all from a small, Pennsylvania-based publishing company.

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Antisemitic Congressional Candidate Tells White Supremacist Podcasters That White People ‘Should Remain A Majority’ In America

On Dec. 14, 2021, Michael Sisco — a congressional candidate running in West Virginia’s 2nd District — appeared on an explicitly white supremacist podcast. During this appearance, Sisco, who has a history of antisemitism, told the hosts that white people “should remain a majority” in the U.S. He also suggested that policies be put in place to “mitigate” what the hosts called “Jewish power in America.”

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Longtime White Nationalist Podcaster ‘Borzoi Boskovic’ Unmasked

During a recent episode of the podcast The Third Rail, a pseudonymous host going by the name “Borzoi Bosokovic” remarked that the purpose of American democracy “is just to safeguard Jewish power.” It was a typical comment from Boskovic, who, for years, has been a prolific podcaster on the white supremacist online hub The Right Stuff.

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White Supremacists Are Throwing Their Support Behind Derek Chauvin

Yesterday the closing arguments ended in the trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, and the jury began its deliberations. And while white supremacists and law enforcement have sometimes clashed, they have been steadfast in their decision to “Back the Blue” since Chauvin was charged with George Floyd’s murder.

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White Supremacists Are Angry That Conservatives Didn’t Support Them After ‘Unite The Right’ Rally

During the August 12, 2020 episode of The Daily Shoah, hosts Mike “Enoch” Peinovich, Alex McNabb, and Jazzhands McFeels marked the third anniversary of the white power “Unite the Right” rally. The hosts alleged that conservatives angered at the removal of Confederate statues should have supported the rally attendees — and appeared bitter that this support never came.

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White Nationalists Want To Go On Strike. Good.

In response to a series of setbacks — including landmark Supreme Court decisions on LGBTQ and immigrant rights, and charges in the murder of Rayshard Brooks — white nationalists and Neo-Nazis have called for a “white strike.” Using the hashtag #WhiteStrike on Twitter, they have encouraged white people to walk off their jobs and refuse to pay taxes.

Continue reading “White Nationalists Want To Go On Strike. Good.”

White Nationalist Podcasters Use Ahmaud Arbery Killing To Rant About Black-On-White Crime

During a recent episode of the white supremacist podcast The Daily Shoah, co-hosts Mike “Enoch” Peinovich, Jesse Dunstan, and Alex McNabb justified the killing of Ahmaud Arbery. Continue reading “White Nationalist Podcasters Use Ahmaud Arbery Killing To Rant About Black-On-White Crime”

Far-Right Extremists React To The Coronavirus With Conspiracies And Racist Mockery

On January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 — a new type of deadly coronavirus — a global health emergency. Continue reading “Far-Right Extremists React To The Coronavirus With Conspiracies And Racist Mockery”