Headlines — 6/22/19

What to do if ICE shows up at your door, convicted murderer James Fields Jr. asks for “mercy” in sentencing, three members of the Shield Wall Network arrested for battery, and more.

Think Progress – Here’s what to do if ICE shows up at your door.
Right Wing Watch – Police arrest three Shield Wall Network members for second degree battery.
Media Matters – It’s time for a reckoning for journalists who boosted false narratives about Donald Trump’s LGBTQ policy positions.
Grist – Oregon Republicans go into hiding to avoid voting on climate bill.
The Daily Beast – Armed militias pledge to fight for fugitive Oregon GOP lawmakers “at any cost.”
Wonkette – Incels are mad because Air Force briefing got their precious memes wrong.
Techdirt – FBI serves incredibly broad warrant to 8chan, demanding info on all users who responded to a shooter’s post.
HuffPost – Trump’s 2020 campaign kickoff attracted extremists to a city that hates Trump.
BuzzFeed News – This former Republican operative with ties to white nationalists has been publishing opinion pieces in the Wall Street Journal.
The Washington Post – Man convicted in Charlottesville attack asks for “mercy.”