Headlines — 6/01/2019

Laura Ingraham defends antisemite Paul Nehlen, Twitter is infested with white nationalists, a publishing house is fueling right-wing extremism, and more.

The Daily Beast – Fox News defends Laura Ingraham’s promotion of virulent anti-Semite Paul Nehlen.
Media Matters – Don’t let Fox gaslight you over Laura Ingraham’s defense of Paul Nehlen.
Right Wing Watch – Koch network alums are going full-on white nationalist.
HuffPost – Twitter still has a white nationalist problem.
VICE News – How a small Budapest publishing house is quietly fueling far-right extremism.
Think Progress – A dead man just revealed the Trump administration’s plans to rig elections for white Republicans.
Hatewatch – Mysterious Neo-Nazi advocated terrorism for six years before disappearance.
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle – Brighton to dismiss code violations for white supremacist flyers.
The Verge – How white supremacists evade Facebook bans.
The Intercept – Vigilantes helped Steve Bannon’s group with private border wall near El Paso.
Miami New Times – Stripsteak Miami chef Will Crandall caught wearing alt-right clothing.