
We Need International Cooperation to Fight Climate Change, Not War

The world’s ruling elites have chosen to place their geopolitical rivalries above all other critical concerns, including planetary salvation.

Michael T. Klare

Keeping the March of the Living Alive

With thousands of Jewish youth unable to participate in the Holocaust remembrance march because of the war in Ukraine, the organization was forced to adapt.

Charlotte Rubin

Hungarian Rhapsody: The Right Dreams of an “American Orbánism”

Whether it’s a new variation of “the socialism of fools” or the same old fascist shell game, the Hungarian leader’s illiberal democracy has the American right under its spell.

Jeet Heer

Latest World Coverage

Biden Is Finally Moving Toward Engagement With Cuba

Biden Is Finally Moving Toward Engagement With Cuba

As the island struggles to emerge from a dire economic crisis, the White House is acknowledging that the policies it inherited could lead to disaster.

Peter Kornbluh
George W. Bush at a baseball game

George W. Bush Stumbles Into a Moment of Truth

The former president’s gaffe reminds us that his launching of a criminal war still demands justice.

Jeet Heer
AIPAC’s Dangerous New Antidemocratic Project

AIPAC’s Dangerous New Antidemocratic Project

In the name of supporting Israel, the lobbying group has created a new super PAC that is only too happy to boost candidates that threaten our democracy.

Ezra Oliff-Lieberman

Continuing World Coverage

US Foreign Policy

How Economic Sanctions Shaped Today's Global Powers

How Economic Sanctions Shaped Today's Global Powers

A conversation with Nicholas Mulder on the evolution and history of sanctions, his new book The Economic Weapon, and the role sanctions play after Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Pablo Pryluka
In Kalynivka on March 24

How the War Came to Kalynivka

These refugees from Luhansk thought they were leaving the carnage behind. Instead, it followed them west, making the path to recovery long and uncertain.

Leif Reigstad
Nina Jankowicz

Meet the Head of Biden’s New “Disinformation Governing Board”

Nina Jankowicz is a veteran information warrior. But her “experience” working with StopFake should have set off alarm bells.

Lev Golinkin




Latin America

Middle East