Member Of Neo-Nazi ‘Bowl Patrol’ Outed As Head Of IT Consulting Company

Updated | In the years since the horrific massacre of nine black churchgoers in Charleston, SC by white supremacist Dylann Roof, a small subset of Neo-Nazis have adopted the mass murderer as a martyr. Continue reading “Member Of Neo-Nazi ‘Bowl Patrol’ Outed As Head Of IT Consulting Company”

White Nationalists Applaud President Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Executive Order

On April 20, 2020, President Trump announced his newest attack on immigrants. Continue reading “White Nationalists Applaud President Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Executive Order”

Peter Brimelow Wants To Make It Easier To Sue Over Being Called A ‘White Nationalist’

In early January, it was revealed that Peter Brimelow — founder of the virulently racist and anti-immigrant website VDAREfiled a defamation suit against The New York Times for referring to him as a “white nationalist.” Continue reading “Peter Brimelow Wants To Make It Easier To Sue Over Being Called A ‘White Nationalist’”

Headlines — 4/09/20

White nationalists helped develop the world’s most powerful facial recognition software, nativist hate groups want to keep immigrants in ICE detention despite the pandemic, Amazon’s self-publishing arm is a haven for white supremacists, and more. Continue reading “Headlines — 4/09/20”

E. Michael Jones Spreads Conspiracy Theories About The Coronavirus And AIDS

At a time when false information about the coronavirus can be a matter of life and death, Infowars is working overtime to mislead its audience. From cries of false flag operations to its call for viewers to film their hospitals to spot nefarious activities, Infowars has ably demonstrated why its ban from YouTube and Facebook was justified.

Continue reading “E. Michael Jones Spreads Conspiracy Theories About The Coronavirus And AIDS”

White Nationalist Radio Hosts Claim The Coronavirus Has Made People ‘Receptive’ To Their Ideas

As the novel coronavirus continues to ravage the country, most people are worried about their physical safety or the financial toll the pandemic will have. Continue reading “White Nationalist Radio Hosts Claim The Coronavirus Has Made People ‘Receptive’ To Their Ideas”