Richard Spencer Says America Was ‘Designed’ for White People, Shouts ‘Hail Trump!’


National Policy Institute leader Richard Spencer gave the final speech of his organization’s conference over a week ago. By now, nearly everyone has seen the footage of Spencer, glass in hand, hailing Donald Trump while his audience cheered. Continue reading “Richard Spencer Says America Was ‘Designed’ for White People, Shouts ‘Hail Trump!’”

ICYMI — 11/29/16


The Right Stuff tells its audience how to “red pill your woman,” white nationalists are up-in-arms over the potential doxxing of Millennial Woes, Andrew Anglin wants to sue the SPLC, and more. Continue reading “ICYMI — 11/29/16”

Meet William S. Lind, the Extremist Author Who Might Have Influenced Donald Trump

William S. Lind and Donald Trump

It is no secret by now that president-elect Donald Trump has surrounded himself with a cast of reprehensible characters, and is still being supported by people who are demonstrably worse. Continue reading “Meet William S. Lind, the Extremist Author Who Might Have Influenced Donald Trump”

Jason Reza Jorjani: Arabs Committed ‘White Genocide’ Against ‘Caucasian’ Iran, and ‘Parasitically Appropriated’ Their Culture

Jason Reza Jorjani

At last week’s 2016 National Policy Institute conference, Iranian-American author Jason Reza Jorjani gave a speech denouncing Arab Muslims and accusing them of having stolen from the culture of “Greater Iran” — a “Caucasian civilization” — after committing “white genocide.” Continue reading “Jason Reza Jorjani: Arabs Committed ‘White Genocide’ Against ‘Caucasian’ Iran, and ‘Parasitically Appropriated’ Their Culture”

Millennial Woes Condemns ‘Race-Mixing’ But Suggests Bestiality Is Defensible In NPI Speech

Millennial Woes

Following the round table discussion at Saturday’s 2016 NPI conference, “Millennial Woes,” a pseudonymous alt-right YouTube personality, gave a speech denouncing interracial relationships and sexual immorality. Continue reading “Millennial Woes Condemns ‘Race-Mixing’ But Suggests Bestiality Is Defensible In NPI Speech”

Alt-Right Crowd Spreads Conspiracy Theories About Secret Pedo Ring at D.C. Pizza Parlor

Jet fuel can’t melt Parmesan cheese.

The media has been up in arms over fake news as of late, and honestly who can blame them? The proliferation of hoaxes, fraudulent clickbait articles, and outright conspiracy-mongering may have played an impact, however small, in our presidential election. Continue reading “Alt-Right Crowd Spreads Conspiracy Theories About Secret Pedo Ring at D.C. Pizza Parlor”

White Nationalist Leaders Talk Trump, Mainstream Media, Race Riots, And More At 2016 NPI Conference

After Peter Brimelow’s speech on “Trump’s America” the 2016 NPI conference, Brimelow joined fellow white nationalist leaders Jared Taylor and Kevin MacDonald — as well as alt-right YouTube personality “Millennial Woes” — for a panel discussion, before opening up a Q&A segment with the audience.

Continue reading “White Nationalist Leaders Talk Trump, Mainstream Media, Race Riots, And More At 2016 NPI Conference”