David Duke Defends Trump’s Misogyny By Saying Miley Cyrus ‘Licks the Feet’ Of ‘Black Gangster Rappers’

On the October 28, 2016 episode of his radio show, David Duke mounted an unusual defense of Donald Trump, who, in recent weeks, has been accused by a dozen women of sexual assault following the release of a damning Access Hollywood tape early this month. Trump’s blatant misogyny and possible criminal acts were no big deal, Duke assured his audience, because Hillary Clinton is supported by pop singer Miley Cyrus.

“The other day we had Miley Cyrus go out and campaign for Hillary Clinton,” said Duke. “Now what does Miley Cyrus do? What kind of a life does she have? What does she promote? She promotes drug use, of course. She was going out campaigning half-naked, right, at the college campuses.”

Duke also claimed that Cyrus “does these music videos” where “she basically crawls along on her hands and knees” and “licks the feet of these black gangster rappers.” Trump critics “have the nerve to talk about the demeaning of women” while Cyrus is “sitting at the feet, licking the toes, literally, of gangster, violent, dirty, nasty rappers.”

Duke then attacked Hillary Clinton’s reputation as an advocate for women’s rights because of her support for the rights of undocumented immigrants, who “literally raped, murdered, assaulted, beaten, tortured, and even killed thousands and thousands of American women.”

Duke’s guest, British Neo-Nazi Mark Collett, remarked that Miley Cyrus “couldn’t be a worse role model” for women, and was deliberately turned into a “coke-snorting, degenerate whore” by the media. The reason? Those who control the media “want every white girl to be a debased, degenerate whore” in order to “destroy” white people.

“Nothing that Donald Trump’s ever done comes close to the sickening degeneracy that Miley Cyrus has inflicted on our young people,” he said.

Duke: The other day we had Miley Cyrus go out and campaign for Hillary Clinton. Now what does Miley Cyrus do? What kind of a life does she have? What does she promote? She promotes drug use, of course. She was going out campaigning half-naked, right, at the college campuses.

And now this is the same Miley Cyrus who does these music videos — of course all produced by our disgusting, major establishment music industry — she does music videos where she basically crawls along on her hands and knees, and licks the feet of these black gangster rappers. It’s just totally like a sex slave to black gangster rappers, right?

And then they have the nerve to talk about the demeaning of women, and the demeaning of — I mean it’s unbelievable, the hypocrisy going on in this country. But that’s the example right there. I mean if that doesn’t tell the story, what can we show for the proof?

And yet the media says not one word about this. It doesn’t say that here is a person making videos that depict women in the most degrading way. Basically sitting at the feet, licking the toes, literally, of gangster, violent, dirty, nasty rappers, right? As a female, just being a total sex slave basically is what she does.

And this is not brought out, that this woman who demeans women is supporting — what? — Hillary Clinton, who says she stands up for women’s rights but she allows the massive illegal alien immigration that has  literally raped, murdered, assaulted, beaten, tortured, and even killed thousands and thousands of American women. The hypocrisy is unbelievable.

Collett: It is. And Miley Cyrus couldn’t be a worse role model. When they start talking about who you want as a role model for your daughter, a girl who sings about standing in line to get in the bathroom so she can do a line in the bathroom, this is —

Duke: Cocaine —

Collett: — cocaine abuse.

Duke: — a horrible drug that’s destroyed millions of lives, right?

Collett: She’s singing about cocaine abuse, and you have to remember, this music and that individual, Miley Cyrus, is targeted at teens and preteens — the most easily manipulated of our people, the most easily influenced. And if you look at the way they’ve done this, if you look at the way the media have used her.

She actually started off as a very pretty young girl in a show that was aimed at preteen girls. Which was — it wasn’t that bad, it was something that you could see parents wouldn’t have been too unhappy with. It was a silly show, she was in it with her dad. And you can see how they got all these young girls hooked on Miley Cyrus.

And then, when they were all hooked, and when they were just about to go through puberty and become young women, she completely changed. They turned her into an absolute monster — a coke-snorting, degenerate whore — because they want that for your daughters.

This is what the media want to turn your daughter into. They want every white girl to be a debased, degenerate whore because the people who run the media are looking to destroy us. And the fact that they bring her out as a role model in an election campaign says it all. Nothing that Donald Trump’s ever done comes close to the sickening degeneracy that Miley Cyrus has inflicted on our young people.