
Anon is horny by Bright_Ad3590 in greentext

[–]LetsDoTheCongna 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Arctic Monkeys are pretty good. They’re my second favorite British alternative band named after a primate.

One of you fuckers typed out a whole ass essay in defense of loli hentai. by LetsDoTheCongna in redditmoment

[–]LetsDoTheCongna[S] 4 points5 points  (0 children)

"It's a child" No, it's an anime character. If you see a real child in an anime character, you are delusional and need to seek help. Also, you lack any evidence for your accusations. There's many reasons why someone may be into lolis, and I can assure you, 99% of lolicons have zero thoughts of actual children and probably do more to protect actual children than you.

"It's a minor" In-universe, said character may be a minor, but in the real world, they don't exist and therefor, can't have an actual age. They literally do not exist except in our minds, and giving non-existent entities real world laws and morals is a sign of mental health issues. As well, so what if they're short and petite? By your logic, if they're 'of legal age', then their body type doesn't matter. What about 'minors' that have fully developed looking bodies? Are they not worth 'protecting' because they're not short and petite? What about real life adult women who are short and petite? Are you gonna claim people fucking them are pedos simply because of their body type? If not, why say that about anime characters? The logic falls apart

"It causes p-dophilia" Although what causes pedophilia is not yet known, researchers began reporting a series of findings linking pedophilia with brain structure and function, beginning in 2002. Testing individuals from a variety of referral sources inside and outside the criminal justice system as well as controls, these studies found associations between pedophilia and lower IQs, poorer scores on memory tests, greater rates of non-right-handedness, greater rates of school grade failure over and above the IQ differences, lesser physical height, greater probability of having suffered childhood head injuries resulting in unconsciousness, and several differences in MRI-detected brain structures. Not loli.

The reason why cp is illegal is not because children have some blessed holy body that mortal eyes are not allowed to see, but because the creation of cp material is child abuse. Any actual real cp is made by taking photos or videos of a girl or a boy either through abuse or manipulation. THATS what's primarily illegal. If you have CP on your machine youre basically promoting said abuse and creating demand for it to become more and more widespread. Actual CP is disgusting and people who would abuse and harm underage kids for sexual satisfaction should be prosecuted and treated. It affects someone life.

Drawings are different. They're taboo yes, but it goes around the primary problem of why CP is illegal. It does not harm ANYONE in the creation of it. Not a single person. No matter what the content of the drawing is, it only has the taboo attached to it of "this is not right", but it does not have the actual impact attached to it of why it's not right.

"But it normalizes it and makes people want to do it" Bullshit. If people are that impressionable then it should be completely illegal to own, watch and distribute any action, horror and so forth movies, games or even books. Consuming those things would make people flip out and start murdering everyone, right? 2d weebshit are like movies. It's a scripted world where none of the content actually exists. If anything slasher movies are more grounded in reality because it involves actual people acting it out and is made to be as realistic as possible. 2d drawings are not realistic and have no anchor to reality.

Now screw off. We get it, you hate cartoons.

- 🤓

Can we talk about this What If? by SubstantialLime2916 in TheOwlHouse

[–]LetsDoTheCongna 0 points1 point  (0 children)

But... it is the most obvious solution. How else would she suddenly get all the text messages from Luz?

One of you fuckers typed out a whole ass essay in defense of loli hentai. by LetsDoTheCongna in redditmoment

[–]LetsDoTheCongna[S] 9 points10 points  (0 children)

It's even more terrifying how the guy who made the comment got like twenty upvotes and anyone criticizing it was met with backlash.

What do you think will happen after this scene? by whyarenamessodiff in TheOwlHouse

[–]LetsDoTheCongna 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yes it does not work with an acronym like SSN, or any others.

[Fish_Yu] First Time Cooking by SaviorOfSubs in TheOwlHouse

[–]LetsDoTheCongna 22 points23 points  (0 children)

There's always the trademark Belos way of changing the shape of your ears...

People who play self-made decks: by Lucyan96 in ClashRoyale

[–]LetsDoTheCongna 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I just put random shit in my deck and change it around until it works.

My tier list of Ninjago weapons by BrokenBro213 in Ninjago

[–]LetsDoTheCongna 3 points4 points  (0 children)

The bone ranks so high that its value can’t be comprehended by the tier list, so it resets back to D.

Gotta love them by Actual_Passenger51 in Brawlstars

[–]LetsDoTheCongna 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Where Rico, Frank, Poco, Dynamike, and Shelly?

/lobby moment by ITZARJUNSPLAYZ in ROBLOXmemes

[–]LetsDoTheCongna 4 points5 points  (0 children)

It’s for funny screenshots, not memes.

Pedo not bad because not real child by DefenderoftheSinners in redditmoment

[–]LetsDoTheCongna 2 points3 points  (0 children)

“Hey maybe porn of children in any capacity is bad”

sCrEw OfF, yOu JuSt HaTe CaRtOoNs!

This is hands down, the worst Reddit moment I’ve ever seen.