YouTube Finally Bans Racist Podcaster Nick Fuentes

Yesterday it was reported that Nick Fuentes, a virulently racist and antisemitic podcaster, had finally been suspended from YouTube for violating the platform’s ban on hate speech. Continue reading “YouTube Finally Bans Racist Podcaster Nick Fuentes”

Far-Right Extremists React To The Coronavirus With Conspiracies And Racist Mockery

On January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 — a new type of deadly coronavirus — a global health emergency. Continue reading “Far-Right Extremists React To The Coronavirus With Conspiracies And Racist Mockery”

Raheem Kassam Defends Deplatformed Antisemites And Conspiracy Theorists

Recently a handful of extremists were permanently banned from Facebook and Instagram for violating the platforms’ terms of service. This group of crackpots and bigots included unhinged Islamophobe Laura Loomer, conspiracy theorists Alex Jones and protégé Paul Joseph Watson, misogynistic fame-seeker Milo Yiannopoulos, antisemitic Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, and Neo-Nazi Paul Nehlen.

Continue reading “Raheem Kassam Defends Deplatformed Antisemites And Conspiracy Theorists”

White Supremacists And Conspiracy Theorists Rage Over Syrian ‘False Flag’ Attack

It was reported that on April 7, 2018, over 40 people were murdered in a chemical attack in the Syrian city of Douma. According to reports from the World Health Organization’s Health Cluster partners, “an estimated 500 patients presented to health facilities exhibiting signs and symptoms consistent with exposure to toxic chemicals.”

Continue reading “White Supremacists And Conspiracy Theorists Rage Over Syrian ‘False Flag’ Attack”

The Far-Right Can’t Stop Complaining About ‘Black Panther’

It seems that when it comes to Marvel’s Black Panther, the verdict is in: the movie is an enormous success. Continue reading “The Far-Right Can’t Stop Complaining About ‘Black Panther’”

Marine Le Pen’s Loss is Making the Alt-Right Cry

Marine Le Pen Loss
Au revoir, Felicia.

Round two of the 2017 French presidential election concluded today, and the results are in: centrist candidate Emmanuel Macron trounced far-right National Front politician Marine Le Pen. Continue reading “Marine Le Pen’s Loss is Making the Alt-Right Cry”

Mike Cernovich Suggests Richard Spencer Might Be A Federal Agent


As reported by The Atlantic, several attendees of the 2016 NPI conference gave impromptu Nazi salutes at the close of Richard Spencer’s speech. Continue reading “Mike Cernovich Suggests Richard Spencer Might Be A Federal Agent”