Patrick Little And Paul Nehlen Are Feuding Over How To Start A Race War

On the April 18, 2019 episode of Goy Talk, one of a multitude of mediocre alt-right podcasts, prominent Neo-Nazis Patrick Little and Paul Nehlen made a joint appearance. It began cordially — as far as white supremacists go — with the two failed congressional candidates agreeing that the U.S. should launch an unprovoked nuclear strike on Israel.

Continue reading “Patrick Little And Paul Nehlen Are Feuding Over How To Start A Race War”

Neo-Nazi Patrick Little Says He Wants To ‘Quarantine’ Jews As He Spirals Further Into Irrelevancy

Late last month Neo-Nazi dipshit Patrick Little earned the dubious honor of being one of only a few white supremacists too awful for Gab CEO Andrew Torba. Continue reading “Neo-Nazi Patrick Little Says He Wants To ‘Quarantine’ Jews As He Spirals Further Into Irrelevancy”

Headlines — 9/13/18

Rep. Steve King once again retweets a white supremacist, President Trump falsely claims Democrats inflated Hurricane Maria’s death toll, white supremacists are supportive of Tucker Carlson’s war on diversity, and more. Continue reading “Headlines — 9/13/18”

Gab Has An Anti-Semitic Meltdown After Microsoft Threatens To Stop Hosting It

Today it was reported that Gab, the number one social network for white supremacist Cro-Magnons, was given an ultimatum by Microsoft: delete a pair of violently anti-Semitic posts within 48 hours, or it will no longer host the site. Continue reading “Gab Has An Anti-Semitic Meltdown After Microsoft Threatens To Stop Hosting It”