Kootenai County GOP Endorses Antisemite For School Board In Post Falls, Idaho

In late August, antisemite Dave Reilly announced his intention to run for a school board position. Reilly, who promoted the white supremacist “Unite the Right” rally and repeatedly disparaged Jews, gay people, and women on social media, has been endorsed by white supremacists. Most crucially, however, Reilly has support from his local GOP.

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E. Michael Jones: Jews Are ‘Revolutionaries’ And Therefore ‘Cannot Be Citizens’

During a recent livestream, far-right self-styled theologian E. Michael Jones went on an antisemitic rant in which he asserted that Jews “cannot be citizens” of the United States. Jones also claimed Jewish members of Congress are “dual citizens,” and suggested “ghettos” as a solution for Jews who refuse to convert or assimilate.

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E. Michael Jones Spreads Conspiracy Theories About The Coronavirus And AIDS

At a time when false information about the coronavirus can be a matter of life and death, Infowars is working overtime to mislead its audience. From cries of false flag operations to its call for viewers to film their hospitals to spot nefarious activities, Infowars has ably demonstrated why its ban from YouTube and Facebook was justified.

Continue reading “E. Michael Jones Spreads Conspiracy Theories About The Coronavirus And AIDS”

An AFPAC Attendee Sued Over Being Called A ‘White Nationalist.’ A Judge Just Threw Out His Case.

Although the so-called groypers — a movement of far-right individuals who champion racist and xenophobic policies — claim they are not white nationalists, available evidence suggests otherwise. Continue reading “An AFPAC Attendee Sued Over Being Called A ‘White Nationalist.’ A Judge Just Threw Out His Case.”

Logos Rising: An Antisemitic Self-Styled Theologian Is Influencing A New Generation Of Reactionaries

For decades E. Michael Jones has dedicated his life to spreading harmful conspiracies about Jews, feminists, and the LGBTQ community — and today his work is experiencing a revival thanks to a younger generation of white supremacists and other reactionaries. Continue reading “Logos Rising: An Antisemitic Self-Styled Theologian Is Influencing A New Generation Of Reactionaries”

E. Michael Jones Calls The Civil Rights Movement A ‘Jewish War On The South’

During a recent episode of The Gas Station — one of several explicitly Neo-Nazi shows that YouTube inexplicably allows on its platform — former professor and Culture Wars magazine editor E. Michael Jones accused the Jews of waging a war against Germany and the American south. Continue reading “E. Michael Jones Calls The Civil Rights Movement A ‘Jewish War On The South’”