‘I Don’t Think There Is A Political Solution’: Neo-Confederate Leader Moves Closer To Embracing Violence

During the 79th episode of Augustus Invictus’ podcast Guerilla Radio, League of the South president Michael Hill predicted that an armed confrontation between white nationalists and their enemies — including the federal government — is now an inevitability. Continue reading “‘I Don’t Think There Is A Political Solution’: Neo-Confederate Leader Moves Closer To Embracing Violence”

White Supremacist Feud Erupts After Augustus Invictus Allegedly Doxes Former Colleagues

Yet another fissure has erupted within the accelerationist fringe of the white supremacist community amid allegations of doxing, personal attacks, and financial mismanagement. Continue reading “White Supremacist Feud Erupts After Augustus Invictus Allegedly Doxes Former Colleagues”

White Supremacist Radio Host Got His Start As Houston Proud Boys Leader

Since at least early 2018, Rory F. Handley, Jr. has co-hosted the white supremacist online show Verbo Tempestas under the pseudonym “Rory Reddington.” Continue reading “White Supremacist Radio Host Got His Start As Houston Proud Boys Leader”

Augustus Invictus Founds Legal Group To Defend White Supremacists

When it comes to attorneys who are willing to go to bat for white supremacists in criminal proceedings and civil suits, the pickings are usually pretty slim. Continue reading “Augustus Invictus Founds Legal Group To Defend White Supremacists”

White Nationalist Leaders Will Return To Charlottesville For ‘Unite The Right’ Rally

Several white nationalist leaders will be gathering in Charlottesville, VA’s Lee Emancipation Park on August 12, 2017 — just months after a similar protest against the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee. Continue reading “White Nationalist Leaders Will Return To Charlottesville For ‘Unite The Right’ Rally”