Misogynists Wonder Why Women Refuse To Listen To Their Amazing Advice

In a December 18, 2019 episode of The Red Man Group, white nationalist YouTube personality Stefan Molyneux sat down with a panel of similarly aggrieved men to discuss why ladies just don’t listen to men these days. Continue reading “Misogynists Wonder Why Women Refuse To Listen To Their Amazing Advice”

‘Return of Kings’ Advocates Use Of Medieval Torture Devices On ‘False Rape Accusers,’ ‘Race Baiters,’ And ‘Male Cucks’

In a March 2, 2017 post for Return of Kings, John Carver advocated for a return to the use of medieval torture devices — specifically the cucking stool (also known as the ducking stool). Continue reading “‘Return of Kings’ Advocates Use Of Medieval Torture Devices On ‘False Rape Accusers,’ ‘Race Baiters,’ And ‘Male Cucks’”

Lauren Southern Tells PizzaGate ‘Journalist’ That ‘Cultural Marxism’ is Destroying the Family Unit


In January, Brittany Pettibone, a self-styled expert on the PizzaGate sex-trafficking hoax, had mentioned the fact that she would be hosting a new show that would be dedicated to “values that once made Western Civilization great, including but not limited to the glorification of the nuclear family, motherhood, masculinity, femininity, etiquette, traditional gender roles and love of one’s own culture, race and country.” Continue reading “Lauren Southern Tells PizzaGate ‘Journalist’ That ‘Cultural Marxism’ is Destroying the Family Unit”

ICYMI — 12/25/16

Mike Enoch joins the Foundation for the Marketplace of Ideas, a writer for American Renaissance writes about how black students ruin schools, Return of Kings calls for a boycott of women’s tennis, and more. Continue reading “ICYMI — 12/25/16”

ICYMI — 12/03/16

Return of Kings website compares black and brown student protesters to segregationists, Vox Day complains about “whitefacing and mudsharking,” American Renaissance is accused of being a mouthpiece for Russian propagandists, and more. Continue reading “ICYMI — 12/03/16”

‘Return of Kings’ Writer: A White Woman Who Has Children with a Black Man is ‘Turning Her Back on Her Heritage’

Integration Protest

Over at the neomasculinist website Return of Kings, writer Jean-Batave Poqueliche wrote a column informing his white readers of what they (supposedly) need to know about white women who date black men. Continue reading “‘Return of Kings’ Writer: A White Woman Who Has Children with a Black Man is ‘Turning Her Back on Her Heritage’”

Matt Forney: Women Who Have Abortions are ‘Monsters’ Obsessed With ‘Their Own Gratification’

Forney Pro-Life

In an August 18, 2016 post for the loathsome website Return of Kings, pickup artist and white supremacist Matt Forney wrote a long-winded diatribe condemning pro-choice women and advising men to “shun” them. Continue reading “Matt Forney: Women Who Have Abortions are ‘Monsters’ Obsessed With ‘Their Own Gratification’”

Feminism is a ‘Terrorist Movement’ Says Return of Kings Writer

League of Frightened Men

In an April 4, 2016 post for the perennially awful Return of Kings blog, columnist Corey Savage (whose bio states that he believes men should “honor their primal nature”) declared all of feminism to be a “the most successful terrorist movement of our time.” Continue reading “Feminism is a ‘Terrorist Movement’ Says Return of Kings Writer”