Headlines — 12/26/19

Red Pill ladies share holiday tips, Washington Rep. Matt Shea engaged in “domestic terrorism” according to a report, two men are kicked out of the National Guard over extremist ties, and more.

Wonkette – The Red Pill ladies auxiliary had a ‘submissive and feminine’ holiday this year.
Media Matters – A pro-Trump subreddit is full of calls for violence in response to proposed Virginia gun safety laws.
HuffPost – When Native Americans are told to ‘go back’ where they came from.
Crosscut – WA Rep. Matt Shea engaged in ‘domestic terrorism,’ helped plan Malheur standoff, investigation finds.
The Root – Kentucky governor’s pardons under federal investigation.
The Cut – A woman ran over a teenager because she thought she was Mexican.
The Oregonian – Stabbing at Oregon truck stop is hate crime, police say.
Atlanta Journal Constitution – National Guard drops two Georgians after investigating extremist ties.