Headlines — 12/08/19

A former Infowars employee tells his story, Tucker Carlson interviews a racist congressional candidate, Chicago cops monitor the social media pages of the families of gun violence victims, and more.

New York Times Magazine – I worked for Alex Jones. I regret it.
Right Wing Watch – Associating with Nick Fuentes proving to be conservative career suicide.
The New Yorker – Blood and soil in Narendra Modi’s India.
The Guardian – Inside the hate factory: How Facebook fuels far-right profit.
Media Matters – YouTube helps a leading white nationalist group raise thousands of dollars.
Miami Herald – Increasing citizenship fees blocks Miamians from the American Dream.
The Nation – Why racists (and liberals!) keep writing for Quillette.
OneZero – Chicago cops use social media to track grieving families of gunshot victims.
The Daily Beast – Alan Keyes is helping sell a toxic bleach ‘cure’ to the vulnerable and desperate.
Wonkette – Tucker Carlson dazzled by ‘sanity’ of white nationalist talking points.