Wonkette Weekend Live Chat Is Still Counting Pennsylvania GOP Primary Ballots

Robyn and I are back with a primary week wrap-up! We know you’re excited. Pennsylvania Democrats have a head start on the Senate election in November while Republicans are still mired in a contentious outcome with a razor-thin margin that’s headed for a recount. Hurrah!

Progressive primary challenger Jamie McLeod-Skinner also gave the boot to Oregon’s Kirkland Signature Joe Manchin Kurt Schrader (I almost typed Paul Schrader, who I greatly prefer as a filmmaker and human). Senator Kyrsten Sinema shouldn’t count on a second term.

Our weekly chat kicks off at 12 p.m. PT/3 p.m. ET. You can watch on YouTube or right here, but don’t forget to like, subscribe, share and all the interactive goodness.


Follow Stephen Robinson on Twitter.

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We Found The Liberal In South Dakota

As the completist Wonkette reader knows, my husband and I (everybody wish Shy a happy FIFTIETH BIRTHDAY today, oh my lord) have picked up sticks from Suddenly Lunatic Montana and beat feet with our family for the Golden Dream by the Sea, wait no that is California, we have beat feet for Detroit Vs. Everybody.

Fuk yeh.

We stopped, as people in Wonkesbago do, at a thousand-acre bison ranch in the prettiest spot in South Dakota (they exist), where the "Harvest Host" (vineyards and farms where you can stay free with the assumption that you'll buy something. I love buying somethings from local people! It is perfect! This is not a paid endorsement but I would absolutely accept one!) put us in the prettiest meadow known to man, and the girls were happy and the dogs were happy and we were happy and the next day I found some off-brand Frontline and now all the ticks are dead.

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Guess Republicans Just Love Starving Babies And High Gas Prices

Good news! The House passed two bills yesterday to help with the baby formula crisis. First off, there's the Infant Formula Supplemental Appropriations Act, which would appropriate $28 million to the FDA so it can quickly approve imported baby formulas and ensure the agency is better prepared for such shortages in the future so this does not happen again. Second is the Access to Baby Formula Act, which would ensure that low-income families have access to baby formula through the WIC program.

If you're a person who hates it when babies starve to death, you probably think these are some pretty good bills and are relieved to know someone is doing something about this.

And yet 192 Republicans voted against the Infant Formula Supplemental Appropriations Act. Only 12 of them joined the 100 percent of Democrats in passing this bill. Those Republicans were "Reps. Don Bacon (Neb.), Brian Fitzpatrick (Pa.), Anthony Gonzalez (Ohio), Trey Hollingsworth (Ind.), John Katko (N.Y.), Adam Kinzinger (Ill.), David McKinley (W.Va.), Tom Rice (S.C.), Chris Smith (N.J.), Mike Turner (Ohio), Fred Upton (Mich.) and Ann Wagner (Mo.)."

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Trump Tells Oz Secret Of Winning, It Is Just Say 'I WIN!' Real Loud And Annoying-Like

With 95 percent of the votes counted, the Pennsylvania GOP primary for US Senate remains too close to call, with fewer than 1,500 separating the top two candidates, as the New York Times reports this morning.

The race is so close it's likely to trigger an automatic recount, which is required when there's a difference of less than half of one percent between the top two finishers. As you'd expect, the campaigns of Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dave McCormick each confidently predict that when all the votes are counted, their guy will come out on top. That could take a while, though; the Pennsylvania Department of State has until May 26 to order a recount, though it might do so sooner.

Totally legitimate former president Donald Trump has an idea about how to speed up the process though. On his hilariously named social media site for idiots, Truth Social, he posted yesterday that Oz should simply "declare victory. It makes it much harder for them to cheat with the ballots that they just happened to find."

Trump didn't specify who "they" were, and it should go without saying he didn't offer evidence, because how naive you are to want proof the primary is rigged! There's a possibility Trump's chosen guy might not win, and if that doesn't prove massive cheating is at work, nothing will.

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Wonkette Weekend Live Chat Is Still Counting Pennsylvania GOP Primary Ballots


Robyn and I are back with a primary week wrap-up! We know you’re excited. Pennsylvania Democrats have a head start on the Senate election in November while Republicans are still mired in a contentious outcome with a razor-thin margin that’s headed for a recount. Hurrah!

Progressive primary challenger Jamie McLeod-Skinner also gave the boot to Oregon’s Kirkland Signature Joe Manchin Kurt Schrader (I almost typed Paul Schrader, who I greatly prefer as a filmmaker and human). Senator Kyrsten Sinema shouldn’t count on a second term.

Our weekly chat kicks off at 12 p.m. PT/3 p.m. ET. You can watch on YouTube or right here, but don’t forget to like, subscribe, share and all the interactive goodness.


Follow Stephen Robinson on Twitter.

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Virginia County Considers Making Schools Celebrate Slavery, Confederate Generals Again

Marjorie Taylor Greene is here for it.

Two years ago, in response to the murder of George Floyd, the Shenandoah County School Board in Virginia voted to change the name of two schools named to honor Confederate generals. You know, because they realized that perhaps celebrating people who fought to keep Black people enslaved perhaps sent the wrong message. Stonewall Jackson High School was changed to Mountain View High School, while Ashby-Lee Elementary School to Honey Run Elementary School.

This was the right move, but it upset a lot of very racist people who now want the names changed back to honor the losers of the Civil War, and the new Vice Chair of the board agrees with them. Because apparently it is very "elitist" to believe that it is bad to honor people who fought to own Black people by naming schools after them. .

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Class War

Hero Clerk Shuts Maine Town Down, Quits Job After Being Refused Vacation Time

Good for her!

Passadumkeag, Maine, has had to almost completely shut down following the resignation of Christen Bouchard, their only town clerk, who quit in April after she was told by the board of selectmen that she couldn't take a two-week vacation because there was no one to cover her while she was gone.

Bouchard was only contracted to work 16 hours a week, though she says she frequently worked more, and was only paid $13,500 a year.

“I came in on my days off to complete certain tasks, because 16 hours a week is just not enough to do everything that needed to be done over there,” Bouchard told the Bangor Daily News, which noted that on most days she was the only person in the town office residents could speak to.

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