The 40 Most Rotten People Of 2021

I remember breathing a sigh of relief at the end of 2020. After all, a COVID vaccine was just around the corner and Trump was voted out of office. I mean, how bad could it possibly get, right? But now it’s over 380,000 COVID deaths and one attempted coup d’état later and I realize just how fucking naïve I was. So, in the spirit of another godawful year almost gone, I’d like to raise a glass and say “Fuck you” to everyone who made it so bad.

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Headlines — 12/14/21

Don Jr. and Fox News stars begged Mark Meadows to have Trump stop the Capitol insurrection, how cryptocurrency revolutionized the white supremacist movement, the Jan. 6 committee will identify Republican lawmakers linked to Jan. 6, and more.

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‘America First’ Candidate Joe Kent Appeals To Extremist Media Outlets For Support

In a Feb. 18, 2021 tweet, Joe Kent announced his candidacy against Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA). Herrera Beutler, who represents Washington’s 3rd District, was one of ten Republican House members who voted to impeach former president Trump over the Jan. 6 insurrection.

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The 40 Most Rotten People Of 2020

Yes, this is late. Unfortunately a lot of stuff has come up between December and now that set this end-of-the-year piece back. Still, I want to commemorate 2020 — which was marked by fires, pestilence, murder hornets, quarantines, and an election that had us pulling out our hair for fucking months. So in honor of the worst year on record, I present the people who helped make it so terrible in the first place.

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Nick Fuentes Celebrates ‘Siege’ On Capitol That Left Five Dead

Updated | On Jan. 6, 2021, what should have been a routine vote to certify the Electoral College results descended into chaos and bloodshed as President Trump incited a mob to attack Congress. Speaking to a crowd of his supporters in Washington, D.C., Trump delivered a rambling speech encouraging his followers to march down Pennsylvania Avenue to the Capitol and “show strength.”

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