The South African Connection: How American White Supremacists Are Assisting An Afrikaner Group Prepare For Race War

In 2006, Gustav Z. Müller founded the Suidlanders — a South African survivalist group whose mission is to prepare for what they believe is a massive race war. Purportedly formed under the auspices of international law — specifically Protocols I and II of the Geneva Convention, according to their website — the Suidlanders are supposedly dedicated to safeguarding Afrikaners, or Dutch-descended South Africans, from a coming tidal wave of black-on-white violence.

Continue reading “The South African Connection: How American White Supremacists Are Assisting An Afrikaner Group Prepare For Race War”

Matt Forney Says Gamergate And The Trump Campaign Were Signs Of A White Revolt

At the recent Identitarian Ideas IX conference in Sweden, one of the more unorthodox speaker choices was Matt Forney. After all, Forney, the racist pickup artist and domestic abuser, has spent years boasting about sleeping with Filipino women — though I suppose that hasn’t stopped fellow skinhead Andrew Anglin from being accepted in white nationalist circles either.

Continue reading “Matt Forney Says Gamergate And The Trump Campaign Were Signs Of A White Revolt”

Nazis Rally Around Man Accused Of Giving Journalist Kurt Eichenwald A Seizure

On December 16, 2016, Vanity Fair contributing editor Kurt Eichenwald had just done one of the weirdest interviews of the year with Fox News pundit Tucker Carlson — with props no less — when he received a tweet from a user named @Jew_Goldstein. Continue reading “Nazis Rally Around Man Accused Of Giving Journalist Kurt Eichenwald A Seizure”

White Nationalists Applaud as Lana Lokteff Boasts That Women Elected Trump and Hitler

Back at the Identitarian Ideas IX conference, Lana Lokteff gave a speech on the importance of women in the white nationalist movement, and why more women are turning to white nationalism. Continue reading “White Nationalists Applaud as Lana Lokteff Boasts That Women Elected Trump and Hitler”