mass shooting open thread

Open Thread: Mass shooting at Texas elementary school; 21 killed

18 of the dead are reportedly children, some as young as second graders. It’s just fucking horrific.

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“From there it’s a short step to revoking all women’s rights,” and other creepy observations on the death of Roe v. Wade

I found this posted on Reddit; it makes my skin crawl.

misogyny penises sexual exploitation sexual harassment

He Took It Out: Elon Musk is trending on Twitter because he (allegedly) showed an employee his penis and then offered to buy her a horse

Keep being gross, dudes. I’ve got like 100 of these stock photos of disgusted women

CONTENT WARNING: People talking about Elon Musk’s penis.

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Dating “is like being the father of a girl you just so happen to have sex with,” and other creepy thoughts from some crypto dude

“Slippery Rick” is a crypto dude on Twitter. He also has opinions about women.

body shaming evil fat fatties evo psych fairy tales fatphobia jordan peterson misogyny

The entire internet informs Jordan Peterson that there are more important things in the world than his boner

Jordan Peterson probably shouldn’t have eaten all that meat

On Monday, Canadian fusspot philosopher Jordan Peterson looked at a picture of a young woman in a bikini — specifically plus-sized model Yumi Nu, who will be the cover girl for Sports Illustrated’s annual swimsuit issue this year. A disgrace, he thought, and so he hopped onto Twitter and posted this mean little tweet:

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Roosh V declares War on Hugs

WHTM is steadfastly in favor of hugs

I wish I knew how to quit you, Roosh Valizadeh. It’s been several years since Mr. V took shrooms, found God, abandoned his career as a pickup artist, and took up a new life as a religious fanatic. But under it all he’s still the same old Roosh — a raging misogynist and conspiracy theorist who still somehow thinks we all need to hear his thoughts on the world and all the dirty filthy sinners in it.

alex jones conspiracy theory great replacement mass shooting nazis with guns racism white genocide white supremacy

Three flavors of disinformation about the Buffalo shooter

Tinfoil hats — ON!

Every time some angry man with a brain poisoned by 4chan and/or Fox News guns down multiple innocent victims, the conspiracy trolls come out, spreading misinformation and disinformation about the shooter in an attempt to wash the blood off of their own hands by convincing others that the shooter was no right-winger but rather a government plant or an Antifa agent.

/pol/ 4chan anti-Semitism great replacement mass shooting plagiarism racism white supremacy

Cut-and-paste terrorism: Much of the Buffalo shooter’s manifesto is copied word for word from the Christchurch killer

As I read through the Buffalo shooter’s 180-page manifesto last night, I was struck again and again by a feeling of familiarity. Had I read something like this before?

As it turned out I had. Something exactly like it.

anti-Semitism mass shooting racism white babies white genocide white supremacy

Open Thread: Fascist gunmen murders ten in an attack on a supermarket in Buffalo

An 18-year-old white supremacist — “educated” on 4chan and inspired by the Christchurch massacre in New Zealand — drove several hours to a TOPS supermarket in Buffalo on Saturday and opened fire on customers and staff, some in the parking lot, some in the store. Ten are dead.

off topic

Women Pointing at Themselves Alone (Without Salad)

You can tell she’s smug because she’s pointing at herself

So yesterday I was looking through a stock image collection to find an appropriately smug woman to illustrate my post on the alleged secret plans of female supremacists to take away men’s rights. I went for a picture of a woman wearing a crown. But there were so many other choices! And they all seemed to involve women pointing at themselves.

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