Bernard Chapin Rails Against Canadian PM Justin Trudeau And His Gender-Equal Cabinet


In a recent video posted to his YouTube channel, far-right videoblogger Bernard Chapin voiced his displeasure with newly sworn-in Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Trudeau, who defeated the notoriously Islamophobic Stephen Harper, made headlines with his choice of cabinet — roughly half of which is made up of women.

Utilizing the same tactics used by opponents of affirmative action, Chapin asserted that Trudeau’s cabinet members were wholly unqualified for the job.

Reacting to the news that Trudeau’s cabinet included an immigrant, indigenous peoples, women, religious minorities, and a disabled person, Chapin accused Trudeau of selecting cabinet members without regard to their qualifications. “The first person that leaves will be replaced by a transsexual, hopefully from a pornographic website which will have added benefits for everybody,” he said mockingly. “Then we can also get maybe some AIDS people.”

Chapin also labelled Trudeau a “buffoon” and warned listeners that “leftists” will “start taking away due process from college males.”