Why Are Prominent Men’s Rights Activists Appearing On A White Power Radio Show?

Not too long ago I reported that prominent men’s rights activist Janice Fiamengo appeared on the white supremacist podcast Radio 3Fourteen hosted by Lana Lokteff. Continue reading “Why Are Prominent Men’s Rights Activists Appearing On A White Power Radio Show?”

Paul Elam: Roosh Valizadeh Is ‘Full of Shit,’ And Pickup Artists Have An ‘Almost Sociopathic Attitude’

On the latest A Voice for Men podcast, Paul Elam and co-host James Huff took shots at pickup artists in general and Roosh Valizadeh in particular. Continue reading “Paul Elam: Roosh Valizadeh Is ‘Full of Shit,’ And Pickup Artists Have An ‘Almost Sociopathic Attitude’”

Paul Elam and Janet Bloomfield Suggest Accusing Innocent Women of Rape; Accuse Dave Futrelle of Wanting to Murder MRAs

Paul Elam

On yesterday’s A Voice for Men podcast, Paul Elam, Janet Bloomfield (real name Andrea Hardie) and James Huff discussed the possibility of a gender neutral Selective Service policy, lawsuits against universities by male students accused of rape, and, in the most unbelievable segment, their accusation that feminist blogger Dave Futrelle is somehow trying to get men’s rights activists killed. Continue reading “Paul Elam and Janet Bloomfield Suggest Accusing Innocent Women of Rape; Accuse Dave Futrelle of Wanting to Murder MRAs”

Paul Elam: Family Courts Are A ‘Fascist Place’ And Men’s Rightsers Are Like Abolitionists


In a video posted to his YouTube channel, men’s rights leader Paul Elam made statements characterizing the American family court system as “fascist” in nature, and likened men’s rights to the flight against chattel slavery. Continue reading “Paul Elam: Family Courts Are A ‘Fascist Place’ And Men’s Rightsers Are Like Abolitionists”

Abandon Ship: Attila Vinczer Ditches A Voice for Men and the Men’s Rights Movement

Kristina Hansen. John Hembling. Dean Esmay. In the past couple of years A Voice for Men — the premier “men’s rights” website — has seen the very public departure of several high-profile employees under circumstances that are usually far from amicable. Continue reading “Abandon Ship: Attila Vinczer Ditches A Voice for Men and the Men’s Rights Movement”

Random Headlines — 8/01/15

Vietnam Protest

The New York Times – Ultra-Orthodox Israeli stabs 6 at a gay pride parade for a second time, police say.
SFGate – Boy Scouts of America to allow gay adult leaders.
Huffington Post – Mike Huckabee won’t rule out using federal troops to stop abortions.
Raw Story – Rep. Steve King thinks people will now marry lawnmowers since same-sex marriage is legal.
Think Progress – 18-month-old baby burned alive in reported fire bomb attack by right-wing radicals.
We Hunted the Mammoth – A Voice for Men fired its news director for refusing to defend Bill Cosby.
Wonkette – Anti-abortion group Live Action compares Sarah Silverman to Hitler for defending Planned Parenthood.

Dean Esmay Says ‘Fuck You’ to Critics Who Point Out That ‘A Voice for Men’ Does Nothing to Help Men

Dean Esmay
Dean Esmay, seen here helping men and boys.

A Voice for Men is described by its leadership and staff as an organization which addresses “a wide variety of issues that affect men and boys — and ultimately women, as well as the culture as a whole.” Continue reading “Dean Esmay Says ‘Fuck You’ to Critics Who Point Out That ‘A Voice for Men’ Does Nothing to Help Men”

Paul Elam Wonders Whether Bill Cosby’s Victims Aren’t Just a ‘Bunch of Drug Whoring Star Fuckers’

Paul Elam

Last year news finally broke — or, rather, the media finally begun paying attention — that legendary comedian Bill Cosby might very well be a prolific serial rapist. Continue reading “Paul Elam Wonders Whether Bill Cosby’s Victims Aren’t Just a ‘Bunch of Drug Whoring Star Fuckers’”