White Nationalist Vlogger Ayla Stewart Outed As Member of Identity Evropa

Ever since early March 2019 — when hundreds of thousands of messages from its chatrooms were published by Unicorn Riot — numerous members of the white supremacist hate group Identity Evropa have been identified. Continue reading “White Nationalist Vlogger Ayla Stewart Outed As Member of Identity Evropa”

White Nationalist ‘Tradwives’ Cite Scripture To Justify Racial Segregation

It was recently reported that, due to the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy, U.S. Border Patrol agents have separated nearly 2,000 children from their families at the southern border over a six week period. Continue reading “White Nationalist ‘Tradwives’ Cite Scripture To Justify Racial Segregation”

Ayla Stewart Leaves A Message Of Support For White Nationalist Teacher Dayanna Volitich

Last week news broke that a Crystal River Middle School social studies teacher named Dayanna Volitich was not-so-secretly hosting a white nationalist podcast called Unapologetic. Since then Volitich has been removed from the classroom while the Citrus County school district conducts an investigation.

Continue reading “Ayla Stewart Leaves A Message Of Support For White Nationalist Teacher Dayanna Volitich”

White Nationalist Leaders Will Return To Charlottesville For ‘Unite The Right’ Rally

Several white nationalist leaders will be gathering in Charlottesville, VA’s Lee Emancipation Park on August 12, 2017 — just months after a similar protest against the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee. Continue reading “White Nationalist Leaders Will Return To Charlottesville For ‘Unite The Right’ Rally”