White Nationalists Want To Go On Strike. Good.

In response to a series of setbacks — including landmark Supreme Court decisions on LGBTQ and immigrant rights, and charges in the murder of Rayshard Brooks — white nationalists and Neo-Nazis have called for a “white strike.” Using the hashtag #WhiteStrike on Twitter, they have encouraged white people to walk off their jobs and refuse to pay taxes.

Continue reading “White Nationalists Want To Go On Strike. Good.”

YouTube Finally Bans Racist Podcaster Nick Fuentes

Yesterday it was reported that Nick Fuentes, a virulently racist and antisemitic podcaster, had finally been suspended from YouTube for violating the platform’s ban on hate speech. Continue reading “YouTube Finally Bans Racist Podcaster Nick Fuentes”

Far-Right Extremists React To The Coronavirus With Conspiracies And Racist Mockery

On January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 — a new type of deadly coronavirus — a global health emergency. Continue reading “Far-Right Extremists React To The Coronavirus With Conspiracies And Racist Mockery”

In Recent Interview, The Blaze Promotes The Myth Of ‘White Genocide’ In South Africa

The Blaze — the media empire founded by far-right pundit Glenn Beck — has now lent credence to a longstanding white supremacist conspiracy theory: that a “white genocide” is taking place in South Africa. According to the theory’s proponents, the government of South Africa is complicit in the slaughter of minority white farmers.

Continue reading “In Recent Interview, The Blaze Promotes The Myth Of ‘White Genocide’ In South Africa”

Logos Rising: An Antisemitic Self-Styled Theologian Is Influencing A New Generation Of Reactionaries

For decades E. Michael Jones has dedicated his life to spreading harmful conspiracies about Jews, feminists, and the LGBTQ community — and today his work is experiencing a revival thanks to a younger generation of white supremacists and other reactionaries. Continue reading “Logos Rising: An Antisemitic Self-Styled Theologian Is Influencing A New Generation Of Reactionaries”

Greg Johnson: For A White Ethnostate To Exist In The U.S., Racial Minorities Must Be Disenfranchised

Greg Johnson of Counter-Currents Publishing recently appeared on the 145th episode of Jean-François Gariépy’s The Public Space in order to hawk his latest book: The White Nationalist Manifesto. Continue reading “Greg Johnson: For A White Ethnostate To Exist In The U.S., Racial Minorities Must Be Disenfranchised”