The Far-Right Erupts After Derek Chauvin Guilty Verdict

Last week ex-Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was found guilty of murdering George Floyd after a nearly month-long trial. Convictions of police officers over the killing of Black people are rare, and while many celebrated the verdict, far-right figures — including many white nationalists — were outraged.

Continue reading “The Far-Right Erupts After Derek Chauvin Guilty Verdict”

Andrew Torba Says Calling Gab ‘Antisemitic’ Is A ‘Big Disservice’ To Jewish Customers

Yesterday, in a video posted to his Twitter account, Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) denounced the far-right social media platform Gab as “antisemitic.” “Antisemitic platforms like Gab have no place in Texas,” Abbott declared. “And certainly do not represent Texas values.”

Continue reading “Andrew Torba Says Calling Gab ‘Antisemitic’ Is A ‘Big Disservice’ To Jewish Customers”

‘Learn To Code’: The Alt-Right’s Latest Anti-Journalist Meme Is Based On A Lie

Last week was a terrible week for journalism as major media companies cut their workforces. According to The Cut, approximately 1,000 workers — editors, writers, etc. — were laid off in a three-day period, with BuzzFeed, HuffPost, and Gannett as the hardest hit. Continue reading “‘Learn To Code’: The Alt-Right’s Latest Anti-Journalist Meme Is Based On A Lie”

Neo-Nazi Patrick Little Says He Wants To ‘Quarantine’ Jews As He Spirals Further Into Irrelevancy

Late last month Neo-Nazi dipshit Patrick Little earned the dubious honor of being one of only a few white supremacists too awful for Gab CEO Andrew Torba. Continue reading “Neo-Nazi Patrick Little Says He Wants To ‘Quarantine’ Jews As He Spirals Further Into Irrelevancy”

Why Are Supporters Of A White Supremacist Terror Group Allowed To Organize On Gab?

Gab CEO Andrew Torba has made it clear that his social media platform will allow almost any content without the threat of censorship — which is why it’s no surprise that white supremacists have flocked to it since its creation in 2016. Continue reading “Why Are Supporters Of A White Supremacist Terror Group Allowed To Organize On Gab?”

Gab Has An Anti-Semitic Meltdown After Microsoft Threatens To Stop Hosting It

Today it was reported that Gab, the number one social network for white supremacist Cro-Magnons, was given an ultimatum by Microsoft: delete a pair of violently anti-Semitic posts within 48 hours, or it will no longer host the site. Continue reading “Gab Has An Anti-Semitic Meltdown After Microsoft Threatens To Stop Hosting It”

Andrew Torba Would Like You To Please Stop Saying Gab Is An Alt-Right Platform

Gab founder and CEO Andrew Torba is mad online. Apparently it’s because people — especially journalists — keep referring to his Twitter knock-off as an alt-right website. Continue reading “Andrew Torba Would Like You To Please Stop Saying Gab Is An Alt-Right Platform”