Headlines — 6/09/18

Austrian chancellor begins shutting down mosques, right-wing trolls lose their frivolous lawsuits, a federal judge strikes down Trump’s sanctuary city policy, and more.

Think Progress – Notoriously Islamophobic chancellor kicks out Muslims and shuts down mosques.
Slate – Federal judge strikes down Trump’s attack on Philadelphia’s sanctuary city policies.
Mother Jones – Racist jurors, extreme mental illness — a federal court is rethinking the case of Texas death row inmate Andre Thomas.
The Root – ‘Evilest white woman on Earth’: The criminal injustice of Terra Morehead.
– Democrats are trying to stop Trump from separating families at the border.
Dallas News – James Byrd’s horrifying death still haunts East Texas town two decades later.
Raw Story
– Indiana man threatened to shoot ‘alt-right guys’ to gain sympathy for white supremacists after Charlottesville.
BuzzFeed News – How the alt-right manipulates the Internet’s biggest commenting platform.
– Trump’s loudest anti-Muslim Twitter troll is a shady vegan married to an (ousted) WWE exec.
Wonkette – Internet assholes shocked to discover they can’t troll the courts.
Right Wing Watch – Right-wing trolls lash out against journalist for revealing identity of anti-Muslim bigot.
The Daily Beast – Charlottesville hate marcher elected by Republican Party.
Media Matters – A day before Parkland survivor David Hogg got ‘swatted,’ trolls shared his address on 4chan and 8chan.
Gizmodo – Alt-right platform Gab’s management is now blaming a Leftist conspiracy for their Nazi problem.
New York Times – The housewives of white supremacy.