League Of The South Member Boasts Of Meeting Suidlanders Founder Gustav Müller

One of the most ridiculous examples of white supremacist talking points seeping into the mainstream last year was the belief in a “white genocide” in South Africa. Continue reading “League Of The South Member Boasts Of Meeting Suidlanders Founder Gustav Müller”

Suidlanders Spokesman Simon Roche Has Deep Ties To White Supremacist Groups

With Australian politician Peter Dutton’s recent call to grant white South African farmers “refugee” status, it seems as though the alt-right’s “white genocide” meme is finally starting to seep into the mainstream. Continue reading “Suidlanders Spokesman Simon Roche Has Deep Ties To White Supremacist Groups”

White Supremacists And Conspiracy Theorists Rage Over Syrian ‘False Flag’ Attack

It was reported that on April 7, 2018, over 40 people were murdered in a chemical attack in the Syrian city of Douma. According to reports from the World Health Organization’s Health Cluster partners, “an estimated 500 patients presented to health facilities exhibiting signs and symptoms consistent with exposure to toxic chemicals.”

Continue reading “White Supremacists And Conspiracy Theorists Rage Over Syrian ‘False Flag’ Attack”

DeAndre Harris Was Found Not Guilty Of Assaulting A White Supremacist, And The Alt-Right Is Furious

Yesterday a not guilty verdict was handed down in the case of DeAndre Harris, a black protester who was severely beaten by white supremacists during last year’s “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville. Continue reading “DeAndre Harris Was Found Not Guilty Of Assaulting A White Supremacist, And The Alt-Right Is Furious”

Mike Peinovich: Violent White Supremacists Are Being ‘Oppressed’ By Law Enforcement Because They’re White

In an October 12, 2017 phone call with Christopher Cantwell, Mike Peinovich decried the racial “double standard” in law enforcement’s treatment of his fellow white supremacists versus that of DeAndre Harris. Continue reading “Mike Peinovich: Violent White Supremacists Are Being ‘Oppressed’ By Law Enforcement Because They’re White”

White Nationalists And Neo-Confederates Agree: Removing Confederate Statues Is A Form Of ‘Ethnic Cleansing’

Recently there has been something of an uproar over the removal of several statues dedicated to the “Lost Cause” of the Confederacy. Continue reading “White Nationalists And Neo-Confederates Agree: Removing Confederate Statues Is A Form Of ‘Ethnic Cleansing’”

Virginia Gubernatorial Candidate Corey Stewart Has Numerous Ties to the Alt-Right

Corey Stewart Alt Right
Everything’s gonna be alt-right.

On June 13, 2017, Virginians will vote to determine who among several candidates will face off in this year’s gubernatorial election in November. Continue reading “Virginia Gubernatorial Candidate Corey Stewart Has Numerous Ties to the Alt-Right”

The South African Connection: How American White Supremacists Are Assisting An Afrikaner Group Prepare For Race War

In 2006, Gustav Z. Müller founded the Suidlanders — a South African survivalist group whose mission is to prepare for what they believe is a massive race war. Purportedly formed under the auspices of international law — specifically Protocols I and II of the Geneva Convention, according to their website — the Suidlanders are supposedly dedicated to safeguarding Afrikaners, or Dutch-descended South Africans, from a coming tidal wave of black-on-white violence.

Continue reading “The South African Connection: How American White Supremacists Are Assisting An Afrikaner Group Prepare For Race War”