Colin Flaherty: Cops Across The Country Have Become A ‘Target’ Of ‘Black Violence’

Anti-black writer Colin Flaherty — whose 2012 book White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It supposedly documents a trend of black-on-white violence — made an appearance on the white nationalist Red Ice Radio podcast. Continue reading “Colin Flaherty: Cops Across The Country Have Become A ‘Target’ Of ‘Black Violence’”

Occidental Dissent: Dinesh D’Souza Is A ‘Brown Indian’ Who ‘Should Be Managing A 7-11’

There’s plenty to say about conservative pundit Dinesh D’Souza, whose latest cinematic bomb, Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party, was released to hilariously abysmal reviews. He’s a convicted felon, an adulterer, and a lying racist who used his position as editor of the Dartmouth Review to out gay classmates — and that’s just for starters.

Continue reading “Occidental Dissent: Dinesh D’Souza Is A ‘Brown Indian’ Who ‘Should Be Managing A 7-11’”

White Supremacist Lawyer Compares Desegregation Efforts To Slavery And The Fugitive Slave Act

On an August 22, 2016 episode of the National Bugle Radio program, attorney Don Advo was interviewed by Dr. Patrick Slattery — the operator of the website Zio-Watch and a frequent companion of David Duke — to talk about the effects of the landmark Brown v. Board of Education case that struck down de jure segregation in public schools.

Continue reading “White Supremacist Lawyer Compares Desegregation Efforts To Slavery And The Fugitive Slave Act”

Hosts of ‘The Daily Shoah’ Envision an Ethnic Cleansing of America


Just as coverage of the white supremacist alt-right began heating up in the mainstream media — even working its way into a rather impressive Clinton attack ad — the hosts of The Daily Shoah invited former Gawker reporter Brendan O’Connor to discuss the movement’s goals. Continue reading “Hosts of ‘The Daily Shoah’ Envision an Ethnic Cleansing of America”

Matt Forney: Women Who Have Abortions are ‘Monsters’ Obsessed With ‘Their Own Gratification’

Forney Pro-Life

In an August 18, 2016 post for the loathsome website Return of Kings, pickup artist and white supremacist Matt Forney wrote a long-winded diatribe condemning pro-choice women and advising men to “shun” them. Continue reading “Matt Forney: Women Who Have Abortions are ‘Monsters’ Obsessed With ‘Their Own Gratification’”