Jim Goad Joins White Nationalist Publishing House As A Biweekly Columnist

Far-right author Jim Goad announced earlier this month that he accepted a job as a biweekly columnist for Counter-Currents Publishing, a white nationalist imprint co-founded in 2010 by Greg Johnson. Goad made the announcement during an interview with Johnson, and revealed that he left his position with the racist publication Taki’s Magazine.

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Jim Goad: Black People Feel ‘Rage’ Because They ‘Don’t Like Being Reminded Of Their Failure’

During yesterday’s appearance on the white nationalist program Red Ice TV, far-right author and white nationalist sympathizer Jim Goad attempted to diagnose the cause of “black rage.” According to Goad, Black people are rioting because they feel “shame” for what he calls their lack of accomplishments.

Continue reading “Jim Goad: Black People Feel ‘Rage’ Because They ‘Don’t Like Being Reminded Of Their Failure’”

After The El Paso Shooting, White Supremacists Promote The ‘Replacement’ Conspiracy That Motivated It

In the aftermath of yet another spasm of white supremacist violence — this time a mass shooting in El Paso, TX that left 22 dead — white supremacists are predictably promoting the racist conspiracy that motivated it. Continue reading “After The El Paso Shooting, White Supremacists Promote The ‘Replacement’ Conspiracy That Motivated It”

‘It’s Dire’: Jim Goad Worries About White Supremacists Being Deplatformed And Losing Control Of The Streets

It’s no secret by this point that deplatforming white supremacists by taking down their social media accounts, websites, and podcasts has been an effective strategy for dealing with the alt-right. Continue reading “‘It’s Dire’: Jim Goad Worries About White Supremacists Being Deplatformed And Losing Control Of The Streets”

Jim Goad Interviews Michael A. Hoffman, Who Questions The Existence Of ‘Homicidal Gas Chambers In Auschwitz’

For the 13th episode of his podcast, Jim Goad’s Group Hug, far-right columnist Jim Goad interviewed Michael A. Hoffman, author of the ahistorical book They Were White and They Were Slaves: The Untold Story of Enslavement of Whites in Early America. Continue reading “Jim Goad Interviews Michael A. Hoffman, Who Questions The Existence Of ‘Homicidal Gas Chambers In Auschwitz’”