Chuck Johnson Claims Twitter Suspension Was Due to ‘Anti-White Business Model’

Chuck Johnson Racist

Recently conservative troll Milo Yiannopoulos was permanently banned from Twitter, a decision sparked by a torrent of racist abuse aimed at Ghostbusters star Leslie Jones. Continue reading “Chuck Johnson Claims Twitter Suspension Was Due to ‘Anti-White Business Model’”

Matt Forney Says Blacks Who Were Killed by Police Officers Were ‘Resisting Arrest’


Early this month, white nationalist and pickup artist Matt Forney made a guest appearance on the white nationalist Red Ice Radio show hosted by Henrik Palmgren and Lana Lokteff. Continue reading “Matt Forney Says Blacks Who Were Killed by Police Officers Were ‘Resisting Arrest’”

White Nationalists Exploit Orlando Tragedy to Drive a Wedge Between Muslims and the LGBT Community

Sabo Shoot Back
#ShootBack poster done by street artist Sabo.

Following deadly attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando that left 49 dead and many others seriously wounded, cheers erupted on alt-right websites like The Daily Stormer. Continue reading “White Nationalists Exploit Orlando Tragedy to Drive a Wedge Between Muslims and the LGBT Community”

Shock Jock Anthony Cumia Cheers on Nazis; Mocks Women and the Disabled on Twitter

TFW your girlfriend has you arrested for domestic abuse.

After an extended absence I’m finally back. While I was away there were horrifying terror attacks in Europe, Donald Trump chose Mike Pence as his running mate and became the GOP nominees, and Milo Yiannopoulos was perma-banned from Twitter. Good riddance on the latter. Continue reading “Shock Jock Anthony Cumia Cheers on Nazis; Mocks Women and the Disabled on Twitter”

Congressional Candidate Rick Tyler Says it Isn’t ‘Hateful’ to Want America to be a White Country

Racist Billboard

Rick Tyler made national attention after posting racist billboards in Tennessee with slogans like “Make America White Again.” Continue reading “Congressional Candidate Rick Tyler Says it Isn’t ‘Hateful’ to Want America to be a White Country”

Jack Buckby, the Extremist Politician Seeking Jo Cox’s Seat, Blames LGBT People for Orlando Massacre

Jack Buckby Racist

After the appalling murder of British MP Jo Cox at the hands of a deranged Nazi, Britain’s major political parties agreed not to contest her parliamentary seat. Continue reading “Jack Buckby, the Extremist Politician Seeking Jo Cox’s Seat, Blames LGBT People for Orlando Massacre”