Headlines — 10/27/17

Andrew Anglin continues to duck lawsuit by Muslim comedian, Tennessee is preparing for white supremacist rallies, a driver rams his car into a crowd of immigration activists, and more.

Splinter – Immigration activists reportedly hospitalized after car plows into California protest.
Media Matters – Tying Ed Gillespie to racist groups is completely justified, no matter what the local editorial board says.
The Fader – Death From Above’s Jesse F. Keeler denies links to the alt-right.
The Tennessean – Religious leaders denounce white supremacy ahead of ‘White Lives Matter’ rallies.
The Washington Post – Why the Islamophobic publisher of a Neo-Nazi website is hiding from a group of Muslims.
The Daily Dot – Neo-Nazi Internet troll ‘weev’ gets over $1 million in Bitcoin donations.
Reveal – How Trump is expanding the government’s secret deportation weapon.
The Daily Beast – YouTube Trumpkin and former Milo intern kills his own dad for calling him a Nazi.
Broadly – ICE followed a child to the hospital to detain her after surgery.
NYMag – Tennessee braces for white supremacist rallies on Saturday.