Jason Köhne: The Only Question Is ‘How Tall’ William Luther Pierce’s Statue Will Be

On the July 10, 2019 episode of Going Free, host Jason Köhne was asked by a viewer for his thoughts on Dr. William Luther Pierce, the founder of the Neo-Nazi organization National Alliance. Continue reading “Jason Köhne: The Only Question Is ‘How Tall’ William Luther Pierce’s Statue Will Be”

Simon Roche Fuels White Genocide Myth, Warning That Tax Dollars Are Funding African And Latin American Maternity Clinics

In June, multiple white nationalists gathered for the 2019 Nationalist Solutions Conference, hosted by outspoken white supremacist Rick Tyler. Continue reading “Simon Roche Fuels White Genocide Myth, Warning That Tax Dollars Are Funding African And Latin American Maternity Clinics”

Jason Köhne: White Women Are The ‘Finest Creatures On Planet Earth’ Because They ‘Give Birth To White Men’

It’s no surprise that white nationalists’ views on gender and sexuality are as regressive as their views on race. Some have claimed that feminism will force men to purchase sexbots. Others have defended domestic abusers and suggested women shouldn’t vote. Some even advocate rape and defend sexual predators.

Continue reading “Jason Köhne: White Women Are The ‘Finest Creatures On Planet Earth’ Because They ‘Give Birth To White Men’”

Kevin MacDonald: White Replacement Myth Served As Inspiration For Writing ‘Culture Of Critique’

In a June 23, 2019 appearance on The Minority Report — a show hosted by white supremacists living in Latin America — former professor Kevin MacDonald revealed the impetus for writing his antisemitic tome The Culture of Critique — and it’s pretty much what you’d expect. Continue reading “Kevin MacDonald: White Replacement Myth Served As Inspiration For Writing ‘Culture Of Critique’”