Jason Köhne: No One Has ‘Honored The People They’ve Conquered’ As White People Have

In an Aug. 29, 2021 YouTube livestream, white nationalist vlogger Jason Köhne spewed racist invective at Native Americans while reading from a Science News article. During the livestream Köhne insisted that white people have consistently “honored the people they’ve conquered.” He also told Native Americans to stop wearing sneakers and instead “Go back to your moccasins.”

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The Far-Right Erupts After Derek Chauvin Guilty Verdict

Last week ex-Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was found guilty of murdering George Floyd after a nearly month-long trial. Convictions of police officers over the killing of Black people are rare, and while many celebrated the verdict, far-right figures — including many white nationalists — were outraged.

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White Nationalist YouTube Host: California Ethnic Studies Curriculum Will Create ‘Anti-White Foot Soldiers’

On the Mar. 11, 2021 episode of Going Free, white nationalist vlogger Jason Köhne went on a lengthy tirade against a (then proposed) ethnic studies curriculum in California. Köhne, no stranger to being mad online, angrily accused the curriculum of, among other things, promoting an “interracial” agenda and turning white students into “anti-white foot soldiers.”

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Jason Köhne: Colin Kaepernick Should Thank ‘Every Single White Person He Meets’ For His Career

During a Feb. 7, 2021 episode of his YouTube show, Going Free, white nationalist vlogger Jason Köhne lashed out at Black athletes who broke the color barrier. Köhne claimed that “the white race” deserved to take credit for integrating professional sports, and said that Black athletes like Colin Kaepernick should thank white people for their careers.

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Three-Percenter Who Pleaded Guilty To Federal Gun Charge Works For White Nationalist Podcaster

Jason Köhne, a Virginia-based white nationalist podcaster, has close to 21,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel. One of those followers, Raymond VanBuskirk, is a 49-year-old extremist who associates with the anti-government militia movement, posts a steady stream of white supremacist content online, and was sentenced to six months in prison after pleading guilty to a federal gun charge in 2016.

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White Nationalists Have Been Regurgitating Election Lies

Immediately after it became clear that President Donald Trump had not won a decisive victory on election night, conspiracies about electoral theft began circulating across the right-wing media ecosystem. Tweets from the President and his backers were repeatedly flagged on Twitter for spreading unproven election claims. And the longer the count dragged on, the more these false claims proliferated.

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White Nationalists Hijack The Murder Of Cannon Hinnant To Push A Race War Narrative

On August 10, 2020, it was reported that a 25-year-old man had been arrested in the shooting death of a neighbor’s child in Wilson, NC. Darius Sessoms, who allegedly shot 5-year-old Cannon Hinnant the night before as he rode his bicycle, is now facing a murder charge and may very well face the death penalty if convicted. The outcome of this horrific crime, in all likelihood, is that justice will be served.

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Mark Collett: Without White People The U.S. Will Become ‘Haiti 2.0’ With People ‘Eating Dirt’

During the July 8, 2020 episode of the white nationalist podcast Patriotic Weekly Review, Mark Collett, Jason Köhne, and Vincent Foxx discussed the consequences of white people becoming a minority in the U.S. They warned that this might lead to permanent Democratic rule and the transformation of the U.S. into “Haiti 2.0.”

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Neo-Nazi Says Protests Against Police Brutality Will ‘Wake Up The White Race’

During a recent appearance on a white nationalist YouTube show, Neo-Nazi animator Emily Youcis expressed hope that the protests over the murder of George Floyd would finally “wake up the white race.” Youcis, who once called for the mass slaughter of Africans, also advocated for the creation of a white “ethnostate.”

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White Nationalist Radio Hosts Claim The Coronavirus Has Made People ‘Receptive’ To Their Ideas

As the novel coronavirus continues to ravage the country, most people are worried about their physical safety or the financial toll the pandemic will have. Continue reading “White Nationalist Radio Hosts Claim The Coronavirus Has Made People ‘Receptive’ To Their Ideas”