Tucker Carlson Goes On Profane Rant About Palestinian Refugees

During an interview with Dave Smith, host of the YouTube show Part of the Problem, ex-Fox News host Tucker Carlson lashed out at people, particularly Israelis, who believe Palestinians are dangerous but want the U.S. to take in refugees from Gaza. Carlson claimed that they were treating the U.S. like a “trash bin into which to throw [their] shit.”

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Tucker Carlson And Steve Bannon Promote White Supremacist ‘Great Replacement’ Conspiracy Theory

Last week, right-wing, anti-migrant rioters set fire to vehicles and looted stores in Dublin, Ireland after rumors circulated that the perpetrator of a recent knife attack was an undocumented immigrant. On the heels of the riots, Tucker Carlson used his Tucker on X show to, once again, amplify a white supremacist conspiracy theory.

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Tucker Carlson: ‘In A Hundred Years, Spaniards Will Be A Small Minority In Their Own Country’

During the 40th episode of his Tucker on X show, Tucker Carlson repeated racist and antisemitic conspiracies about George Soros and population replacement. Carlson claimed that the Jewish philanthropist was undermining democracy and pushing for “mass immigration from the Third World.”

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Tucker Carlson: University Donors Are Funding ‘Genocidal’ Rhetoric Against White People

In interview with Daily Wire contributor Candace Owens, ex-Fox News host Tucker Carlson criticized people who pulled donations to universities over perceived antisemitism on campus while staying silent over “genocidal” rhetoric against white people at those same institutions.

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Tucker Carlson Defends White Supremacist Troll Convicted In Voter Suppression Scheme

On the Nov. 9, 2023 episode of his Tucker on X show, former Fox News host Tucker Carlson sat down for an interview with Douglass Mackey, a white supremacist troll who, earlier this year, was convicted in an illegal voter suppression scheme. Mackey, better known by his Twitter pseudonym “Rickey Vaughn,” was recently sentenced to seven months in prison.

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Tucker Carlson Says David Duke Is ‘Obviously A Fed’

In a conversation with comedian Theodor Capitani von Kurnatowski III (a.k.a. “Theo Von”), ex-Fox News host Tucker Carlson distanced himself from David Duke, referring to the white supremacist and former Klan leader as a “fed.” Carlson also acted surprised that Duke would publicly support him, telling Von that he and Duke “don’t share a common culture.”

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Tucker Carlson Is Still Lying About George Floyd’s Murder

On the Oct. 20, 2023 episode of Tucker on X, former Fox News host Tucker Carlson regurgitated the racist lie that George Floyd had not actually been murdered by police officer Derek Chauvin, and had died of an overdose. His guest, Vincent Everett Ellison, smeared Floyd as a man with a “slave mentality,” which he blamed on Martin Luther King Jr. and the civil rights movement.

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On His Latest Show, Tucker Carlson Returns To Pushing Violent White Nationalism

For ex-Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who once used his nightly show to broadcast white nationalist talking points to millions of viewers, his latest episode of Tucker on X marked a return to form. Carlson used his show to fearmonger about an immigrant “invasion” and suggest that a violent response may be necessary to repel it.

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Tucker Carlson Guest Blames Universities And ‘Cultural Marxism’ For Existence Of Trans People

It’s no secret that ex-Fox News host Tucker Carlson hates transgender people. On his Tucker on X show he can’t resist taking jabs at the trans community, even during discussions of unrelated topics. On the latest episode Carlson devoted nearly 50 minutes to interviewing a man named Chris Moritz who peddled anti-trans conspiracy theories.

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Bill O’Reilly Wanted Trump To Designate Mexican Cartels As ‘Terrorist Groups’ And ‘Send Special Forces Into Acapulco And Cut Their Heads Off’

In the 26th episode of his Tucker on X show, timed of course to coincide with the second Republican primary debate, Tucker Carlson interviewed another Fox News host who was ignominiously canned by the network: Bill O’Reilly. O’Reilly, who was fired over sexual harassment allegations, told Carlson that he advised Trump on his immigration policy.

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