Stefan Molyneux Mourns The Loss Of His Audience After YouTube And Twitter Bans

Last summer, white supremacist and self-described philosopher Stefan Molyneux was banned from both YouTube and Twitter. On his YouTube channel, which boasted nearly one million followers, Molyneux uploaded hundreds of videos in which he attacked women, promoted scientific racism and white nationalism, and rubbed shoulders with prominent extremists.

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White Nationalist Warren Balogh Calls ‘For The People Act’ A Jewish ‘Power Grab’

During the Mar. 13, 2021 episode of Modern Politics, white nationalist Warren Balogh spread conspiracy theories about H.R. 1, better known as the For the People Act — a landmark piece of voting rights legislation. The Act would, among other things, prohibit partisan gerrymandering and restore federal voting rights to Americans disenfranchised due to criminal convictions.

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Former Republican Senate Candidate Lauren Witzke Appears On Neo-Nazi Podcast

Since last year, Lauren Witzke — an ex-Republican Senate candidate who ran on an anti-immigrant platform — has been solidifying her connections to white nationalists. While running against Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) she appeared on a livestream with white nationalist Peter Brimelow and hired an antisemite to manage her campaign.

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White Nationalist YouTube Host: California Ethnic Studies Curriculum Will Create ‘Anti-White Foot Soldiers’

On the Mar. 11, 2021 episode of Going Free, white nationalist vlogger Jason Köhne went on a lengthy tirade against a (then proposed) ethnic studies curriculum in California. Köhne, no stranger to being mad online, angrily accused the curriculum of, among other things, promoting an “interracial” agenda and turning white students into “anti-white foot soldiers.”

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Nick Fuentes: Students Are Being Taught An ‘Anti-White View Of History’ When They Learn About Slavery And The Holocaust

Updated | On the Mar. 11, 2021, white nationalist podcaster Nick Fuentes made a guest appearance on the Infowars show The American Journal. Fuentes promoted his “America First” brand and complained to the host, Harrison Smith, about a proposed ethnic studies curriculum where students learn about Aztec gods.

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Andrew Torba Says Calling Gab ‘Antisemitic’ Is A ‘Big Disservice’ To Jewish Customers

Yesterday, in a video posted to his Twitter account, Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) denounced the far-right social media platform Gab as “antisemitic.” “Antisemitic platforms like Gab have no place in Texas,” Abbott declared. “And certainly do not represent Texas values.”

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In Unearthed Audio, Laura Loomer Calls Herself ‘Pro-White Nationalism’

Updated | In December 2017, anti-Muslim activist Laura Loomer appeared on a podcast for the white supremacist website Amerika. In unearthed audio, Loomer can be heard making racist and demeaning comments about Muslims and Palestinians. She also called herself “pro-white nationalism” and said she was not opposed to an “ethnostate” for white people.

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Jason Köhne: Colin Kaepernick Should Thank ‘Every Single White Person He Meets’ For His Career

During a Feb. 7, 2021 episode of his YouTube show, Going Free, white nationalist vlogger Jason Köhne lashed out at Black athletes who broke the color barrier. Köhne claimed that “the white race” deserved to take credit for integrating professional sports, and said that Black athletes like Colin Kaepernick should thank white people for their careers.

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Roosh Valizadeh Complains About The Number Of Jewish Nominees For Biden’s Cabinet

During the 60th episode of Roosh Hour, former pickup artist Roosh Valizadeh ranted about the number of Jewish nominees for Joe Biden’s cabinet. In the past Valizadeh praised The Culture of Critique — a book by antisemitic retired academic Kevin MacDonald — and claimed that Jews created Bratz dolls to groom children.

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