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Posted inAccountability

My Neighbor the Suspected War Criminal

There may be 1,700 suspected war criminals and human rights abusers in the U.S. Who are they, and what is the government doing about it?


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Posted inAccountability

Who Has Power and How Do They Wield It?

Three local investigative stories that have big impact, from D.C. police keeping troubled officers on the force to the history of prisoner disenfranchisement laws in Missouri.

Posted inHealthcare

A Strike at the Heart of Roe

The most restrictive anti-abortion law in the country is now in effect in Texas. How the Lone Star State trumped Roe v. Wade.

Posted inBehind the Smiles

Amazon Leaks

Amazon knows a lot about you. Customers trust that their data and purchases are kept secret and secure, but internal documents show the tech giant’s inability to safeguard its own data.

Posted inAccountability

For 20 years, I saw no peace

As the Taliban take over Kabul, an Afghan poet, a journalist fielding desperate phone calls and an American veteran reflect on the past and future of Afghanistan.

Posted inAccountability

Minor violations

Kids who cross the border alone are held in government-funded shelters. When they misbehave, staff sometimes call police. And kids are getting arrested, jailed – sometimes even tased.
