Right Wing Extremism

AZ GOP Gov Candidate Kari Lake Takes Bold Stance Against Curvy Women On 'Sports Illustrated' Covers

She’s just the worst.

The Arizona primaries are August 2, and it’s gonna be a long hot summer of crazy for the GOP candidates. FiveThirtyEight rates this year's election for governor as a toss-up. Perhaps that’s because the potential nominee is MAGA kook and Big Lie promoter Kari Lake, who doesn’t shy away from publicly revealing how terrible she is.

Lake was incensed that Sports Illustrated put a model on its cover who is larger than a size zero. She ranted, “To try to act like that’s the epitome of health is just crazy. To tell our boys in school that they can be girls and vice versa ... "

So, last week, Yumi Nu was revealed as a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit cover model. Nu is Asian American and curvy. This apparently drove some fools crazy, specifically Jordan Peterson, who tweeted, "Sorry. Not beautiful. And no amount of authoritarian tolerance is going to change that.” He’d responded to a photo of Nu looking beautiful, which visibly undercut his point. However, no one’s forcing Peterson to find Nu attractive. All so-called “authoritarian tolerance” demands is that people like Peterson recognize that they aren’t the sole arbiters of taste.

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January 6

Jan. 6 Committee Ready To F*ck Up Primetime For Nation's Most Famous Couch Potato

And Liz Cheney is leading the charge.

If you'd told us in 2019 that we'd be rooting for Dick Cheney's daughter, we'd have told you to put down the crack pipe. And yet here we are, and here's GOP Rep. Liz Cheney giving 'em holy hell yesterday as she accepted the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award.

“This sacred obligation to defend the peaceful transfer of power has been honored by every American president except one,” Cheney said. “The question for every one of us is in this time of testing, will we do our duty, will we defend our constitution, will we stand for truth, will we put duty to our oath above partisan politics?

“Or will we look away from danger, ignore the threat, embrace the lies and enable the liar?” Cheney continued. “As we face a threat we have never faced before — a former president attempting to unravel our constitutional republic — at this moment we must all summon the courage to stand against that.”

This is consistent with reporting from the Washington Post last week that Cheney is pushing harder than the Committee's Democrats to go after Trump and subpoena the congressional Republicans who helped him try to overthrow democracy.

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State/Local Politics

Sentient Mayo Candidate Challenging Marjorie Taylor Greene Spreading Little Excitement In GOP Primary


Jennifer Strahan is the dull, safe Republican running against incumbent GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene in Georgia’s 14th district. A poll from January showed Greene with 60 percent support to Strahan's 30. However, Rep. Madison Cawthorn’s defeat last week in his primary sparked hope in many that Greene could have an equally brief “grand opening/grand closing” congressional career.

Political consultant Fred Wellman tweeted, "Cawthorn lost for a lot of reasons but the lesson is they are not invincible. Stop telling me a one-term Congress member who has done nothing for their district can't be beaten. Marjorie Taylor Greene needs to be next. We can beat her. Support @Marcus4Georgia and send her home.”

Marcus Flowers is the Democrat challenging Greene in November. He’s raised a lot of money from decent people who hate Greene, but the district is solidly Republican. The best chance to beat her is during the primary.

PREVIOUSLY: Here’s Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Very Serious, Very Dull GOP Primary Opponent

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Trump Stooge David Perdue Headed For Second Annual Election Loss In Georgia


Donald Trump’s instrument of petty revenge, David Perdue, is headed for an old-fashioned ass-whoopin' in the GOP Georgia governor’s primary Tuesday. According to the New York Times, Perdue's death rattle of a campaign is "ending the race low on cash, with no ads on television and a candidate described even by his supporters as lackluster and distracted."

It turns out Georgia doesn’t have enough voters who appreciate candidates they find lackluster and distracted.

Perdue has consistently trailed incumbent Governor Brian Kemp in the polls, despite running an overtly racist campaign based around Trump’s Big Lie about the 2020 election.

A recent Fox News poll shows Kemp crushing Perdue 60 to 28 percent. This would more than clear the 50 percent threshold required to avoid a June runoff, while also humiliating Perdue, a former senator who at some point in the past actually won elections. It’s becoming hard to remember.

While campaigning Thursday in Woodstock, Georgia, Perdue remained defiantly in denial about the poll, which is hardly an outlier.

“Hell no, I’m not down 30 points,” insisted Mr. Perdue, whose campaign did not respond to requests for comment for this article. “We may not win Tuesday,” he added, “but I guaran-damn-tee-you we are not down 30 points.”

PREVIOUSLY: Loser Ex-Senator David Perdue Set To Lose Another Rigged Election In Georgia

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