
Why do Americans use grammatically wrong English? by Ok_Inevitable_829 in EnglishLearning

[–]RED0_01 [score hidden]  (0 children)

Everyone, basically in every language I know of, does not use proper grammar when speaking informally. If you are in formal settings, you can use a formal language. It's not unique to native speakers of English to see them doing that. I bet even in Korea there are people who use a chill type of language to communicate without sticking with the much rigid grammatical rules of the language.

A NEW POLL. by RED0_01 in dragonquest

[–]RED0_01[S] [score hidden]  (0 children)

Aww that's really cute. Which DQ game is your favorite? And why?

A NEW POLL. by RED0_01 in dragonquest

[–]RED0_01[S] [score hidden]  (0 children)

You see, there are people who started getting into Dragon Quest thanks to watching Dragon Ball or the other way around.

Would you consider your partner's political views/religious beliefs a major problem in a relationship if they weren't in line with yours? And why? by [deleted] in AskWomen

[–]RED0_01 [score hidden]  (0 children)

What if your partner were okay with you practicing freely whatever beliefs you hold, but not necessarily agreeing with you either, would you find it easier this way to compromise?

Would you consider your partner's political views/religious beliefs a major problem in a relationship if they weren't in line with yours? And why? by [deleted] in AskWomen

[–]RED0_01 [score hidden]  (0 children)

What about trying to compromise, instead of holding tightly on those said beliefs and political views? Do t you think it's feasible to achieve that?

Would you consider your partner's political views/religious beliefs a major problem in a relationship if they weren't in line with yours? And why? by [deleted] in AskWomen

[–]RED0_01 [score hidden]  (0 children)

Do you think that political/religious differences should be cast aside when in a relationship, and not placing a huge value on them? Like we can find another way around, compromise, and talk things out instead of allowing those differences to come in the way of our relationship?

Would you consider your partner's political views/religious beliefs a major problem in a relationship if they weren't in line with yours? And why? by [deleted] in AskWomen

[–]RED0_01 [score hidden]  (0 children)

Let me give you an example. Let's say you are a Democrat, and your partner is a Republican, will you find it okay to reconcile these opposing political views?

Another example is: You are an Atheist, while your partner subcribes to a certain organized type of religion, will you turn a blind eye on that?

What I mean, is there a way for you guys to find a common ground and even reconcile such differences?

The Newlyweds. Maudy Ayunda and her Korean-American husband by caecillya in indonesia

[–]RED0_01 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I guess I need some context, but it's okay. Great looking couple.