
Wtf does this even mean? Seriously, this ones a doozy by Beautiful_Lecture232 in HilariaBaldwin

[–]didionphile 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I’m not certain. You have to accrue enough karma, I guess. I never looked into it.

Wtf does this even mean? Seriously, this ones a doozy by Beautiful_Lecture232 in HilariaBaldwin

[–]didionphile 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I don’t understand the karma stuff but another very nice pepino told me I could now join the Century Club🤷‍♀️?

You guys asked! Here's Peepaw's latest IG solioscreed™. by ftak15 in HilariaBaldwin

[–]didionphile 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Thank you for suffering through this a reporting back.

You guys asked! Here's Peepaw's latest IG solioscreed™. by ftak15 in HilariaBaldwin

[–]didionphile 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Thank you for taking the proverbial bullet for us on this.

Wtf does this even mean? Seriously, this ones a doozy by Beautiful_Lecture232 in HilariaBaldwin

[–]didionphile 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Perfectly stated. 👆 Yes, it’s odd to see so many of us with a common goal, but then see a pepino attack another pepino for inconsequential reasons. I’m not into any conspiracies, either, and find the Baldwins disturbing enough by just what they post, but I choose to remain loyal.

If it’s Sunday it must be DownVote Day. We always see a flurry of ‘em on the weekend. Let’s do due diligence and Upvote even if it’s a rush job. by didionphile in HilariaBaldwin

[–]didionphile[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Yes, and a loyal Pepino and I were just messaging. I have a sense of who it may be but for now I’ll zip it. I could be way off base, too, but I’m keeping my eyes open. Ps, I don’t think these recent flurries are coming directly from the Baldwin camp or from their publicly flack, though.

You guys asked! Here's Peepaw's latest IG solioscreed™. by ftak15 in HilariaBaldwin

[–]didionphile 23 points24 points  (0 children)

I know I would appreciate the Cliff Notes. I just can’t listen to this windbag.

Wtf does this even mean? Seriously, this ones a doozy by Beautiful_Lecture232 in HilariaBaldwin

[–]didionphile 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Yesterday, someone actually downvoted a Pepino who made a heartfelt comment about their child who has a form of cystic fibrous. This went to my post now. People are indiscriminately d/v ing.

Wtf does this even mean? Seriously, this ones a doozy by Beautiful_Lecture232 in HilariaBaldwin

[–]didionphile 7 points8 points  (0 children)

but but we’re not making it about us…. kinda hard to see our eyes mirrored back to us in our own eyes…. unless it’s witchy.

If it’s Sunday it must be DownVote Day. We always see a flurry of ‘em on the weekend. Let’s do due diligence and Upvote even if it’s a rush job. by didionphile in HilariaBaldwin

[–]didionphile[S] 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Why? Why the snark? How has this offended you? Others have posted the same. My understanding is if there are a lot of DVs, then that individual’s comments and posts get buried or gets a low ranking. As I’ve said many times, I don’t care if I get DV and I personally do not DV. I scroll by if I disagree or find it ‘annoying’. I’m sorry I annoyed you.

If it’s Sunday it must be DownVote Day. We always see a flurry of ‘em on the weekend. Let’s do due diligence and Upvote even if it’s a rush job. by didionphile in HilariaBaldwin

[–]didionphile[S] 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Except they’re aren’t all coming from the Baldwin camp and no one is fuming. My understanding is if someone received a lot of downvotes, it skewers their posts by burying them. That’s all. My post wasn’t meant to be interpreted as my being angry. Believe it or not, the Baldwins do have fans. That’s all.

Should I get it y’all? by huesosymariposas in HilariaBaldwin

[–]didionphile 9 points10 points  (0 children)

If anything shouts ‘I’m a New Yorker’ more, then yes, this is the shirt for you, Hilary.


[–]didionphile 36 points37 points  (0 children)

Good ole Martha doing god’s work. I thought Alec wanted anonymity now. Seems an odd way of getting it.