
BASTARD BLOVIATE BALDWIN by Distinct-Top3335 in HilariaBaldwin

[–]LM1959 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Looks like someone else uploaded it already. I’ll defer mine when it posts.

BASTARD BLOVIATE BALDWIN by Distinct-Top3335 in HilariaBaldwin

[–]LM1959 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I screen recorded it. It’s uploading now directly to reddit. Should be available momentarily.

BASTARD BLOVIATE BALDWIN by Distinct-Top3335 in HilariaBaldwin

[–]LM1959 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I can screen record it. Although that means I have to watch it again. Not sure I can handle it but I’ll take one for the team.

BASTARD BLOVIATE BALDWIN by Distinct-Top3335 in HilariaBaldwin

[–]LM1959 27 points28 points  (0 children)

“The tone. The Tone. The homogeneity of tone.”

What a pretentious, bloviating piece of shit. Although i couldn’t help thinking Kyle Dunnigan would have a field day with this.

Let’s all have a moment of silence for Hillz. You just know she was dying to write “this twinish” experience. by LM1959 in HilariaBaldwin

[–]LM1959[S] 18 points19 points  (0 children)

I think you mean run the nannie’s into the ground. Hilz doesn’t lift a finger if it’s not attached to her phone.

Welp ... by ftak15 in HilariaBaldwin

[–]LM1959 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Well, that’s true, too. Those poor kids are fucked.

Welp ... by ftak15 in HilariaBaldwin

[–]LM1959 27 points28 points  (0 children)

I guess that’s all a matter of opinion. While I tend to agree with you, I’ve seen naked babies at the beach. My point is that when kids reach a certain age (certainly by the time they are in school (and Mayo is in school), they should be taught about body boundaries (something a baby is not old enough to comprehend). They should be taught that their penis, vagina and butt are private and that no stranger should see them, touch them, etc. In this way, children are taught to respect their bodies and they are further taught that other people must respect their bodies, too. But you can’t have a conversation about body boundaries, privacy, and respect, and then let your children run naked at the beach for any stranger to see them. Hillary is a moron.

It’s your job to protect your four year old. Mayo puts on swim trunks or back to the house he goes. She never says no to them because they’re their ‘own little people who ‘know what’s best for them’. by didionphile in HilariaBaldwin

[–]LM1959 14 points15 points  (0 children)

In LI, private beach access doesn’t mean you have the beach all to yourself. You share it with all the other residents who also have private beach access. There can be MANY people on that beach.

Welp ... by ftak15 in HilariaBaldwin

[–]LM1959 116 points117 points  (0 children)

So Leo is in underwear and 4 year old Mayo is naked. It’s one thing when a baby/toddler is naked at the beach, but quite another when the kid is 4 years old (or older). For someone who is always lecturing others about boundaries, she might want to teach her kids some body boundaries. They are not babies anymore, no matter how much she wants to delude herself into thinking they are. Oh, and she might want to create some boundaries between her underwear-clad/naked boys and the internet instead of posting pictures of them where any pervert can (and will) do anything with them. She is reprehensible.

Alec Baldwin has never been held fully accountable for any of his crimes. Also, how much fuel do Alec and Hilaria Baldwin use to power 3 huge homes, a motorboat, 3 SUVs, multiple sedans and ATVs? Fuck em. by consideringthesource in HilariaBaldwin

[–]LM1959 10 points11 points  (0 children)

I have a delivery of some stones for Sir Alec Baldwin. I think his glass house is located on the corner of Delusional and Hypocritical. Don’t you just love it when people who have not been held to account call out others who have not been held to account?

Deranged. Creepy PR controlled fan accts create a tribute to Alec & Hilaria Baldwin with messages (mostly in Spanish lulz) about their goodness and bravery and love notes to each of the Baldwinito. And instead of blocking, A&H regram and thank them. "Muchísimas gracias," says Alec. by consideringthesource in HilariaBaldwin

[–]LM1959 25 points26 points  (0 children)

It was posted to their actual permanent pages (not their stories) all at the same time (yesterday). I don’t think you can re-post to a person’s page. Regardless, she’s posting/reposting the same shit on all of her pages. I haven’t decided if she’s more lazy af or thirsty af or vise versa.

Deranged. Creepy PR controlled fan accts create a tribute to Alec & Hilaria Baldwin with messages (mostly in Spanish lulz) about their goodness and bravery and love notes to each of the Baldwinito. And instead of blocking, A&H regram and thank them. "Muchísimas gracias," says Alec. by consideringthesource in HilariaBaldwin

[–]LM1959 51 points52 points  (0 children)

The best is the “fan” letter describing Alec (in Spanish and English): “Alec, Father, son, brother, husband. You are an exceptional human being and a great actor. Unable to sow hatred, you spread wisdom and love.” Bwaahaha, tell that to the photographers he’s punched out!

JesusfuckingChrist! At least TRY to make it sound believable!

Deranged. Creepy PR controlled fan accts create a tribute to Alec & Hilaria Baldwin with messages (mostly in Spanish lulz) about their goodness and bravery and love notes to each of the Baldwinito. And instead of blocking, A&H regram and thank them. "Muchísimas gracias," says Alec. by consideringthesource in HilariaBaldwin

[–]LM1959 52 points53 points  (0 children)

She’s getting lazy. She can’t even be bothered to create different content for her “fan” accounts as this video was posted to all three Baldwin “fan” accounts. So, I guess we are to believe that these 3 different “fan” accounts are now coordinating their content, all to honor this “great family full of love, charisma, charm, and talent.” (quoted from Baldwinstyle, now there’s an oxymoron!). It seems to me we should have a moment of silence for St. Hilaria who is dying for attention.

Probably going to be a long weekend with Peepaw away. by ftak15 in HilariaBaldwin

[–]LM1959 8 points9 points  (0 children)

That video was SO cringe. If the Baldwins are not behind that account (which we know they are), they should be getting a restraining order instead of reposting stories and publicly thanking that account.

Probably going to be a long weekend with Peepaw away. by ftak15 in HilariaBaldwin

[–]LM1959 23 points24 points  (0 children)

How I can’t stand these Baldwins, let me count the ways…