Archer is an American adult animated television series created by Adam Reed for the FX network. A preview of the series aired on September 17, 2009. The first season premiered on January 14, 2010. The show completed airing its sixth season on April 2, 2015, and has been renewed for a seventh season, to consist of 13 episodes.
The inspiration for Archer came to Reed while in a cafe in Salamanca, Spain. Finding himself unable to approach a beautiful woman seated nearby, Reed conjured up the idea of a spy who "would have a perfect line". Reed conceived the show's concept while walking along the Vía de la Plata in 2008. He pitched his idea to FX, which accepted it and ordered six episodes, along with an additional four scripts.
Originally working for the "International Secret Intelligence Service" (ISIS) in New York City, suave and profoundly self-centered master spy Sterling Archer deals with global espionage; his domineering, emotionally-distant mother and boss, Malory Archer; the mother of his child (and fellow ISIS operative), Lana Kane; and his other ISIS co-workers (including fellow operative Ray Gillette, accountant Cyril Figgis, Human Resources Director Pam Poovey, dimwitted secretary Cheryl Tunt, and Applied Research head Doctor Krieger); as well as a code name: "Duchess" (after his mother's deceased Afghan Hound).
Archer is an American animated comedy series created by Adam Reed for the FX network. The first four seasons are set at the International Secret Intelligence Service (ISIS) and surround suave master spy Sterling Archer as he deals with global espionage; a domineering, late middle-aged mother/boss, Malory Archer; his ex-girlfriend, Agent Lana Kane; ISIS accountant Cyril Figgis; and a less-than-masculine code name—"Duchess".
On March 6, 2014, the series was renewed for a seventh season which will premiere March 31, 2016.As of April 2, 2015, 75 episodes of Archer have aired, concluding the sixth season.
Actors: Stephen Armourae (actor), Thomas Arnold (actor), Barry Ashton (actor), Lasco Atkins (actor), John Atterbury (actor), Lee Battle (actor), Andrew Beamish (actor), Andrew Beamish (actor), Jamie Beamish (actor), Jason Beeston (actor), Abraham Belaga (actor), Nicky Bell (actor), David Bertrand (actor), Vic Blickem (actor), Mark Addy (actor),
Plot: Birth of a legend. Following King Richard's death in France, archer Robin Longstride, along with Will Scarlett, Alan-a-Dale and Little John, returns to England. They encounter the dying Robert of Locksley, whose party was ambushed by treacherous Godfrey, who hopes to facilitate a French invasion of England. Robin promises the dying knight he will return his sword to his father Walter in Nottingham. Here Walter encourages him to impersonate the dead man to prevent his land being confiscated by the crown, and he finds himself with Marian, a ready-made wife. Hoping to stir baronial opposition to weak King John and allow an easy French take-over, Godfrey worms his way into the king's service as Earl Marshal of England and brutally invades towns under the pretext of collecting Royal taxes. Can Robin navigate the politics of barons, royals, traitors, and the French?
Keywords: 1190s, 12th-century, action-hero, adventure-hero, ambush, archer, army, arrow-through-neck, assuming-identity-of-a-dead-person, attacking-a-blind-manActors: Iwan Benneyworth (actor), Ceri Bostock (actor), Richard Burgess (actor), Dennis Carr (actor), Steve Clarke (actor), David Cogan (actor), Duncan Cox (actor), Ross Curtis (actor), Charles W. Evans (actor), Bernard Faccenda (actor), John Garner (actor), Stephen Green (actor), James Grogan (actor), David Healy (actor), R. Armstrong (actor),
Plot: In 5th Century Britian, a young Merlin struggles for his place in his known land under the tutelage of The Mage, a local wizard whom sees the young man's potential for magic, as well as face off against his evil former friend, Vendiger, whom plots with a feudal warlord king to conquer all of Britian using an army of flying dragons, and only Merlin with the alliance of the local Prince Uther and Ingraine and a pair of mystical goddesses, can have the power to stop the evil from taking over the land.
Keywords: cgi, dark-ages, dragon, england, independent-film, king, magic, middle-ages, surreal, wizardActors: Troy Baker (actor), Josh Berry (actor), Josh Berry (actor), Ed Blaylock (actor), John Burgmeier (actor), Bob Carter (actor), Chris Cason (actor), Kevin Connolly (actor), Aaron Dismuke (actor), Jason Douglas (actor), Masashi Ebara (actor), Jim Foronda (actor), Keiji Fujiwara (actor), Toshio Furukawa (actor), Greg Ayres (actor),
Plot: Edward Elric, the Fullmetal Alchemist, is on the other side of the gate. He has befriended someone who resembles his brother, Al, and has met a gypsy resembling Rose. He finds out that the Germans are planning on opening the gate, and attack the other side, which is Ed and Al's home. Although Al has learned a lot, he cannot stop all of them, and Ed cannot use Alchemy while in the other side. Ed tries to stop them, and Al just tries to be able to talk to his brother again, who everyone else thinks is gone.
Keywords: alchemy, anime, based-on-comic, based-on-manga, biplane, brother-brother-relationship, cult-film, dragon, ethnic-slur, hitlerActors: Scott Bellefeville (actor), Predrag Bjelac (actor), Miroslav Cipra (actor), John Comer (actor), Petr Drozda (actor), Jan Kriz (actor), Howard Lotker (actor), Curtis Mathew (actor), Kamil Vankat (actor), Josef Zýka (actor), Jana Beranek (actress), Kelli Graham (actress), Miliani Guerra (actress), Marcela Hodna (actress), Katerina Hovorek (actress),
Genres: Action, Adventure,Actors: Josh Becker (actor), Josh Becker (actor), Steven Benson (actor), Tom Bruny (actor), Bruce Campbell (actor), Don Campbell (actor), Paul Christy (actor), Dandy (actor), Matt DeWan (actor), David Gernaey (actor), Dave Gibson (actor), Paul Grabke (actor), Jim Griffen (actor), Kirk Haas (actor), Glenn Barr (actor),
Plot: An army unit on patrol in Vietnam is ambushed and most of the unit is killed. The survivors are given leave to return Stateside and see their families. They decide to visit one of their buddies who had been wounded in the ambush. When they arrive in his town, they run up against a killer cult led by a murderous psychopath.
Keywords: ak-47, american-soldier, army, battle, battlefield, behind-enemy-lines, blood, blood-splatter, boyfriend-girlfriend-relationship, brawlActors: Fortunato Arena (actor), Aldo Canti (actor), Aldo Cecconi (actor), Pierre Cressoy (actor), Franco Daddi (actor), Enzo Fiermonte (actor), Piero Lulli (actor), Nino Marchetti (actor), Osiride Pevarello (actor), Renzo Pevarello (actor), Gaetano Quartararo (actor), Howard Ross (actor), Jacques Stany (actor), Pietro Torrisi (actor), Dan Vadis (actor),
Genres: Adventure, Fantasy,Actors: Jacques Bergerac (actor), Hans Christian Blech (actor), Jacques Bézard (actor), Jean-Roger Caussimon (actor), Pierre Dudan (actor), Marcel Roma (actor), Barbara Cruz (actress), Héléna Manson (actress), Patricia Renaud (actress), Barbara Rütting (actress), Willy Rozier (producer), Maurice Constantin-Weyer (writer), Willy Rozier (writer), Jean Yatove (composer), Willy Rozier (director),
Genres: Adventure, Drama,Actors: Albert Florath (actor), Gustaf Gründgens (actor), Paul Henckels (actor), Karl Junge-Swinburne (actor), Hans Junkermann (actor), Alfred Karen (actor), Friedrich Kayßler (actor), Hans Leibelt (actor), Albert Lieven (actor), Philipp Manning (actor), Heinrich Marlow (actor), S.O. Schoening (actor), Wolf Trutz (actor), Borwin Walth (actor), Eduard Bornträger (actor),
Genres: Comedy,Angels we have on heard high
Sweetly singing ore the plains
And the mountains in reply
Echoing their joyous strains
Gloria in excelsis Deo
Gloria in excelsis Deo
Come to Bethlehem and see
Christ whose birth the angels sing
Come adore on bended knee
Christ the Lord the newborn King
Gloria in excelsis Deo
Gloria in excelsis Deo
See him in a manger laid
Whom the choirs of angels praise
Mary, Joseph, lend your aid
While our hearts in love we raise
Gloria in excelsis Deo
Gloria, in excelsis Deo