Young Elected Officials Network - People For the American Way

Young Elected Officials Network

The Young Elected Officials Network (YEO) was founded in 2005 with the mission to unite and support elected officials ages 35 and under who share a passion for building communities that reflect values of freedom, fairness, and opportunity for all. Since then, the Network has grown to include more than 1,300 elected officials across the country, in offices ranging from local school boards to the United States Congress.

A program of, by, and for young, passionate progressives holding elected office across the country, the YEO Network is committed to policy aligned with our vision for a fair, just society. The YEO Network provides cutting edge programming, investing in the full pipeline of progressive leadership and building sustained relationships with our members. We provide the resources young elected officials need to effectively impact policy, foster their own development and professional growth, and elevate their leadership in the broader progressive movement.

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Meet the Young Elected Officials

Young elected officials (YEOs) between the ages of 18 and 35 represent the changing face of leadership in our country. Many have overcome great odds to become progressive office holders, and many continue to overcome new challenges as they work to help their communities. The YEO Network provides the space for meaningful peer support and exchange, as well as access to the best resources and services to benefit members’ work.

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The Front Line Leaders Academy

The Front Line Leaders Academy (FLLA) provides values-based training and leadership development to communities seeking positive social change but with little access to political institutions. Its vision is to create a new political system of truly representative government that gives voice to youth and marginalized communities.

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By the Numbers

YEO Network members nationwide

Age range of YEO Network members

Total number of Front Line Leaders Academy alumni all over the country