Do Not F*cking Tell Us To Calm Down

Since the draft of Justice Samuel Alito's kick in the crotch to American woman was leaked to Politico on Monday night, people who view themselves as sensible centrists have gone to great pains to assure us that no more blows will be forthcoming. Sure, we might be forced to carry our rapists' babies, but nothing else bad will happen.

They won't come for our birth control, we are promised, because that would be wildly unpopular. Don't be ridiculous, gay marriage is settled law, no one is going to re-criminalize gay sex. And quit hyperventilating about interracial marriage, they admonish us, noting that Alito goes to great lengths to differentiate between abortion, which takes "a life," and gay marriage, which is merely disgusting and sinful. At least according to filthy bigots like himself.

And if you are one of those people belittling the fear gripping women and LGBTQ+ people today, may we invite you cordially to FUCK RIGHT OFF.

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Badass Reporter Outs GOP Gov Candidate As Homophobic Jerkwad Who's About To Lose This Election

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis won his last election by double digits, but Republican Greg Lopez thinks he can unseat the incumbent Democrat with an inspiring “I’m just the worst” platform. The former mayor of Parker, Colorado, Lopez is a Big Lie promoter who claims without evidence (hence, the “lie”) that the 2020 election was stolen from Big Daddy Trump.

His campaign website makes him seem like a standard, awful Republican. Boasting in all-caps that he’s FORCED BIRTH ONLY PRO-LIFE, it also states: "I believe in school choice, less regulation, protecting the 2nd Amendment, free-market health care, constitutionalist judges, less spending and smaller government through (the) Tax Payers Bill of Rights — TABOR — enforcing our laws and protecting our (borders), 'legal' immigration not 'illegal immigration.’”

A boring list of policies doesn't matter much, though. Winning elections in today’s GOP means appealing to bigots. During a campaign speech last month, Lopez said, “I think it’s time we had a real first lady, don’t you?” to a receptive, homophobic crowd. You see, Polis is gay married to a man, Marlon Reis, who’s not the first or even second lady. He’s not a lady at all. He’s the first gentleman and yet Colorado hasn’t fallen into the sea.

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Supreme Court's Dobbs Decision Is SO BAD (How Bad Is It?) That It's Really Really Really Fucking Bad

Welp. Roe v. Wade is dead.

This isn't surprising to anyone who has been paying attention. But it's still shocking.

For half a century, Roe has protected the right to terminate a pregnancy. By the end of June (the end of SCOTUS opinion season), that will be over.

The draft opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health comes out and says:

"We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled. The Constitution makes no reference to abortion, and no such right is implicitly protected by any constitutional provision, including [...] the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment."

The usual suspects are in the majority, with John Roberts remaining the wildcard. "A person familiar with the court's deliberations" (unclear whether it's the same person who leaked the draft) told Politico that, unsurprisingly, Samuel Alito, Amy Coat Hanger, Kegs, Neil Gorsuch, and Clarence Thomas are in the majority that just can't wait to see women dying from unsafe back-alley abortions. Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan are dissenting. And no one has any idea WTF John Roberts is thinking, which sounds about right.

This is the first time in modern history that a draft opinion has been leaked. And who leaked it and why remains a mystery. But one thing is certain: It's just as bad as we thought it would be.

Sorry, women. Hope you weren't planning on having any rights in the years to come.

Okay, let's talk about just how bad this fucking thing is.

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Legal Abortion Is Very, Very Popular ... And The GOP Knows It.

Legalized abortion, like universal background checks for guns, subsidized child care, paid family leave, raising the minimum wage, free tuition at public colleges, and student loan forgiveness is one of those liberal policies supported by a majority of Actual Americans but very few Real Americans(TM), thus causing people to vastly underestimate its popularity.

In reality, 70 percent of Americans do not think Roe v. Wade should be overturned.

61 percent believe abortion should be legal in all (27 percent) or most (34 percent) cases.

Only 12 percent believe it should be illegal in all cases. It's a very loud 12 percent, but it's only 12 percent.

But you know who is not vastly underestimating its popularity right now? All of the Republicans clutching their pearls about how horrified they are about the leak. The ones who are imploring the rest of us to immediately stop caring that our rights are being taken away and instead concentrate on how terrible it is that someone undermined the sanctity of the Supreme Court in order to leak the draft opinion.

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Wonkette Weekend Live Chat Vs. The US Supreme Court Part II

We’re going full Scarlet Witch!

Robyn and I welcome special guest Wonker Jamie Lynn Crofts, who will help us figure out why in the year 2022, we’re facing the end of Roe v. Wade.

Expect some anger, frustration, and slightly fewer musical theatre references (though I’m not promising anything). Join us at 12 p.m. PT/3 p.m. ET. Don’t forget to like, share, subscribe and all the goodies on YouTube.

Follow Stephen Robinson on Twitter.

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SNL Cold Open Takes On Alito's Medieval Justification For Taking Reproductive Rights Away, Burning Witches

Live from New York, it's our horrible lives.

Justice Samuel Alito, in his leaked opinion overruling Roe v. Wade, went all the way back to the 13th century to make his case that there have always been people in power who opposed abortion, which justifies making it illegal now. Unsurprisingly, this whirlwind tour through history quoted, as experts, at least two men who also had strong opinions on how witches ought to be burned.

While I could probably bore you all to death with my own history lesson about the many, many, many ways in which people have ended their unwanted pregnancies throughout the centuries, it's probably a lot more fun to watch this SNL cold open imagining the very day that a bunch of medieval dudes created the basis for Alito's terrible, terrible decision ... featuring Benedict Cumberbatch who is of course my boyfriend but apparently only when he is Sherlock.

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Barrett, Alito Excited To See Forced Birth Increase 'Domestic Supply Of Infants'

That's not super creepy or anything.

With all of the garbage packed into that leaked Supreme Court decision, there are parts of it that are only getting attention now. Like one particularly gross footnote referring to "the domestic supply of infants" available for adoption at birth or within the first month of life — suggesting that at least part of the reasoning for the eliminating Roe was the opportunity to use those experiencing unwanted pregnancies as broodmares for those who want to adopt a child. Fun!

It reads:

See, e.g., Centers for Disease Control, Adoption Experiences of Women and Men and Demand for Children to Adopt by Women 18-44 Years of Age in the United States 16 (Aug. 2008) (“[N]early 1 million women were seeking to adopt children in 2002 (i.e., they were in demand for a child), whereas the domestic supply of infants relinquished at birth or within the first month of life and available to be adopted had become virtually nonexistent.”); Centers for Disease Control, National Center for Health Statistics, Adoption and nonbiological parenting, [link] (showing that approximately 3.1 million women between the ages of 18- 49 had ever “[t]aken steps to adopt a child” based on data collected from 2015-2019).
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