
Wife and I struggling sexually by [deleted] in TrueChristian

[–]GlorytoGod6713 4 points5 points  (0 children)

This isn't a situation where we don't have clear biblical guidance.

1 Corinthians 7:3‭-‬5 NASB1995 The husband must fulfill his duty to his wife, and likewise also the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does; and likewise also the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. Stop depriving one another, except by agreement for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer, and come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.

The Bible says husbands and wives should not deprive each other sexually. Being deprived in that way specifically leads to greater temptation, and I know it leads to a lack of special intimacy and martial love that is necessary in a godly union.

You and your wife need to understand and accept that this passage is God's will on the matter for husbands and wives, and work towards healthy intimacy however you can regardless of it being hard or uncomfortable. Putting aside both of your preconceptions and what you think would be better, because our faith in God should be greater than our faith in our own reasoning.

His ways are higher than ours. I don't know the specific solutions to your situation, but I know that when a married couple both strive to be more aligned with God's will, He makes a way. It's just deciding on that path of following Him and continuing in it that is most important. Without faith we cannot please God. He will provide solutions, that's in His hands. It's on us to trust Him and take actions based on that trust

How to change screensaver on LG OLED C1 by smoreost4ever in LGOLED

[–]GlorytoGod6713 0 points1 point  (0 children)

What was the domain you blocked? I am in US if that matters

BREAKING: Eric Holcomb has signed abortion access ban into law by Hoosier_49 in Indiana

[–]GlorytoGod6713 -6 points-5 points  (0 children)

Good. Killing a growing child for convenience is wrong and God will judge every single one of you one day unless you repent

Our state is the worst state. by [deleted] in Indiana

[–]GlorytoGod6713 -25 points-24 points  (0 children)

There is a lot of ignorance in the South due to poverty and lack of education

Thats your problem right there. You people all act like you're on the moral high ground, yet you sit there and judge them all and generalize the most classist bigoted crap against southerners and Republicans

You literally call them ignortant and stupid for having different opinions than you and say its BECAUSE THEY ARE POOR?? And because you think they dont have the same education as you, you assume they cannot think critically or come to sound conclusions?

This is literally how people treated black people before equal rights. Everyone on the left accepts and encourages this type of talk too.

Please keep on seething because you can't kill babies in indiana anymore though.

And please, keep proving to everyone whats really in your stuck up and bigoted hearts as you all flip out and say the most vile things possible about people you've never met and act like their faith in the only God, Jesus Christ, makes them idiotic second class citizens.

Please pray for me by No_Ticket_7309 in PrayerRequests

[–]GlorytoGod6713 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Prayed for you.

I and my wife overcame multiple mental illnesses through Christ and learning how to take back territory in our minds from the enemy with His Word. I was also raped and abused as a kid. But God healed me.

God gives us the tools to protect our mind but many don't know how to use them. I have found the shield of faith, breastplate of righteousness, and sword of the spirit which is the word of God(ephesians 6) to be so powerful against the enemy.

Using them all together in prayer is so important. Thanking God for what He promises, especially when you aren't currently feeling like it or when circumstances don't seem to line up with it, is a big and important act of FAITH. Quoting scripture is swinging that sword of the spirit, and knowing your identity is is founded in the righteousness of God through Jesus and mental illness and the one are not part of who you really are, is putting on that breastplate.

Here is an example of doing this

Father I thank you that you have given me a new identity and nature, a new heart and mind founded in righteousness and holiness. I place my faith in your Word which says the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard my heart and my mind in Christ Jesus.(philippians 4:6-8 read all please) Even when the valley is at its deepest and darkest I will trust in You despite how things look and feel, knowing and declaring in my heart and with my mouth that You are still with me and that your promises are never broken. Thank you God for saving my soul and healing my heart and mind. In Jesus name amen

The Bible says in philippians 4:8 what we should dwell on(think about) basically good and holy things, and also in another verse that "as a man thinks so he is" kind of like you are what you eat. So be careful about the thoughts you entertain, and recognize the ones that are not godly as your enemy and treat them as such by defending yourself with these tools. Memorize scripture about these topics and use them, don't be afraid to just play them on repeat in your head too

Two I really use a lot for example, like every night before bed, are " In peace I will both lie down and sleep, for You alone, O Lord, make me to dwell in safety" and "no weapon formed against me will prosper"

Hope this blesses you feel free to reach out any time. The changes may not be instant, but i can testify that when you are consistent in this and also obedient to the Lord and humble, the changes and victories will get greater and greater over time until you cant even believe how far you've come

Pastor says the Bible is silent on abortion. by babyswagmonster in Bible

[–]GlorytoGod6713 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Compared it to telling a child you'll love them no matter what is better than telling them the consequences if they do something bad.

This is not good or biblical. I would leave. I would certainly tell a child not to do something that would hurt them and others instead of telling them I'd still love them even if they did it.

Crimson Dawn Lightsabers? and Mystery Box? by prince420vegeta63 in lightsabers

[–]GlorytoGod6713 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I would purchase from a place like crimson dawn instead of the LGT stuff on aliexpress, with CD you've got a good customer service net to fall on if anything messes up. They really do go above and beyond for their customers

Crimson Dawn Lightsabers? and Mystery Box? by prince420vegeta63 in lightsabers

[–]GlorytoGod6713 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Lol i understand, but I'm super picky about my sabers so i could never do the mystery boxes. One nice thing about these is that most parts are interchangeable other than the switch section. If you decide you dont like your emmitter or pommel or grip you can just buy a different one on either crimson dawn or vire sabers parts section and easily swap it out yourself

Crimson Dawn Lightsabers? and Mystery Box? by prince420vegeta63 in lightsabers

[–]GlorytoGod6713 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Crimson dawn is good and reliable with good customer service but Vire sabers is another that is very similar using the same parts and many same hilts, however they let you pick and choose each individual part and they will build the Saber and send it to you

Salute to you 🫡🫡🫡 by Efficient-Ad5269 in Indiana

[–]GlorytoGod6713 12 points13 points  (0 children)

After seeing how Uvalde police did nothing at the school shooting, I am glad there was an armed citizen on the scene who acted instantly instead of everyone in that mall just HOPING the police showed up quick enough and HOPING they did their job quick enough.

Remember, you cannot trust cops to save you, your self defense is your own responsibility! Waiting on police with their response times alone will get you killed even if the cops do everything right. Your life is in your hands and no one elses.

Glad this man happened to be carrying and saved who knows how many lives

I've had it with challenges. The system broken at worst and mildly annoying at best. Make ALL CHALLENGES GENERIC. by TimeGlitches in halo

[–]GlorytoGod6713 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I literally ignore the challenges now, I have the armor and color I like, I don't care about stressing myself over the absolute dog crap challenges. It makes the game a lot more fun.

But with this update I am getting super pissed at everything they're removing and nerfing. It's literally anti fun. Yeah let's take out all the stuff people like so everyone is equally weak.

Making fan favorites weaker or impossible is a trash approach to balancing. MAKE THE WEAK WORTHLESS STUFF BETTER GUYS WHAT THE HELL

Best place to shop for furniture? by csp131 in nwi

[–]GlorytoGod6713 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Seriously check out Facebook marketplace and craigslist. I've gotten entire matching sets worth 1,000's of dollars for under next to nothing and in some cases free. Stuff thats unique and hand made and very expensive goes for super cheap when people just want to get rid of it for something new. You can also rent a Menards truck for like $20 if you need something to transport it.

I saw a full queen bed frame with headboard footboard dresser nightstand and chest of drawers with a mirror for $100 recently. I also went looking for an entertainment center and all the stores had was cheap press board crap for like $500 and went and got a real wood piece with a beautiful glossy finish for $60 or so on marketplace

Same with dining sets. Saw a ton going for thousands of dollars w/ chairs at furniture stores, and I got a whole set that's absolutely stunning on marketplace for next to nothing. Literally got the dining table and leaf extension for free, then found snagged some chairs from someone set a for a couple hundred

Is God even listening? by Winter1670 in Christians

[–]GlorytoGod6713 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Even if no one else on earth loved you or cared about you, the Lord of all creation still does. The God who created every one of the untold billions of stars and worlds in the universe cares about your suffering and pain and all the issues you face. And more than that, He is on. Your. Side.

You must stop letting the devil steal and kill and destroy the peace and joy God has made available to you in Him and start taking actions that will grow your faith and resilience as you wait for your prayers to be answered. Start thanking God for these things and thinking good and godly thoughts instead of despairing. I can personally guarantee that it makes a huge difference

NWI Outdoor Ranges/places to shoot in the woods by [deleted] in INGuns

[–]GlorytoGod6713 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Unfortunately not, but I've been derailed by health issues for a while. I have heard good things about shoot point blank in Merrillville. You're not likely to be hassled there about shooting too fast but that's about it.

I'm finally feeling back to 100% now so I'm going to be looking more actively. Im pretty new to NWI, so I don't know too much about the ranges in the area yet. But I'll let you know what good places I find and hope you'll do the same! I really would like to find a good outdoor range to shoot rifles at longer distances

First time post by Will4Jesus in Christians

[–]GlorytoGod6713 1 point2 points  (0 children)

God bless you, just said a prayer for you

What do you do to get out of a slump ? by Spiderkiller007 in TrueChristian

[–]GlorytoGod6713 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Like a dog that returns to its vomit Is a fool who repeats his folly. Proverbs 26:11 NASB1995

OP, don't feed the demon of depression with lamenting. There's a time and place for that, but it's not when you're facing unreasonable and unrelenting sorrow and apathy. The Bible says as a man thinks, so he is. You've got to change your thinking, not add more poo to the pile.

I've overcome suicidal depression and mental illness by CHANGING my thinking to thoughts in line with the Word and memorizing the Word and using it against the enemy. Not by purposefully mahjong myself more sad.

[deleted by user] by [deleted] in PrayerRequests

[–]GlorytoGod6713 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I am praying for you now. I also used to struggle with panic and anxiety but I completely overcame it with the Word of God and building up my faith in Him. Fear will always pass if we let it and focus on God's Word in our mind instead. That's a huge thing I've learned. We can always take refuge and strength in God and defeat the fear.

Every time we're attacked by the enemy with fear and panic and anxiety, we have a choice. We can either allow it to run rampant in our minds and hearts, or we can fight it off with the shield of faith and the sword of the spirit which is the Word of God(ephesians 6:10-17).

We can make a choice to actively place our faith in God by leaning on His Word and filing our mind with it and thoughts of Him, and pray to Him that we trust Him and we trust His Word, and just keep reciting His Word in our head and don't let anything else in.

There are so many verses concerning fear to learn on and recite and pray to God that we believe His Word, and that's how you can overcome chronic panic and anxiety over time. Some of those verses are "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind" and psalm 91 is incredible to read out loud or play on your phone and memorize from. And the Bible says in Isiah 26:3 You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You.

It was a long road for me but I went from having crippling social anxiety to confidently giving the eulogy at my dad's funeral in front of a ton of people by doing this.

As you do this more and more consistently, over time it will get better and better. But the enemy will try and make it hard and will recognize that you're fighting. But just take that as an incentive to fight even harder, because the enemy knows he's about to be beaten and he's angry/afraid.

It's also important to pray against any demons that could be causing the fear and tell them to stop and go away as a part of your faith building routine when you're attacked with these things.

Anyway I pray to God that helped you and feel free to message me

Edit: here's a few more verses I thought of

Colossians 3:2 NASB1995
Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.

Philippians 4:6-7 NASB1995
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

James 4:7 NASB1995
Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

John 14:27 NASB1995
Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.

Isaiah 41:10 NASB1995
Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’

Anyone struggle with drinking? by Aws0meeeeee in Christians

[–]GlorytoGod6713 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I used to, until God sent me a dream. In the dream, all I remember was that something horrible had happened because of my drinking, either directly or indirectly, and whatever it was had me on my knees sobbing and crying out to the Lord, telling Him I'm so sorry for drinking God I'm so sorry.

I never touched it again and any time I even think about it I remember that dream. That warning