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Recent ZNet

Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor: American Racism and the Buffalo Shooting

The gunman seems motivated by a vision of history, pushed by the right, in which American racism never existed and Black people are undeserving takers

Matthew Cunningham-Cook: We Can’t Talk About the Racist Massacre in Buffalo Without Talking About Capitalism

We are not being honest about the horrific racist violence that took place in Buffalo this weekend and the racial inequality throughout the U.S. if we ignore how capitalism brought us here

Rogelio Mayta: Why ‘Bolivia is the Center of the World’ for People’s Movements

In Bolivia, since the beginning of this century, we have battled some of the most important and decisive questions for the future of the human race

Marjorie Cohn: Journalists Accused Israel of Targeting Them 2 Weeks Before Killing of Abu Akleh

Please Help ZNet         Source: Truthout Just two weeks before Israeli forces assassinated beloved Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, the International Federation of Journalists, the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate and the International Centre of Justice for Palestinians had submitted a formal complaint to the International Criminal Court accusing Israel of systematically targeting Palestinian journalists. “The targeting of Read more…

Ilan Pappe: Germany’s Position on Palestine: Twice on the Wrong Side of History?

Israel’s policy towards the Palestinians is racist to its very core, and one cannot create hierarchies of racism or a club of “accepted” racism, or a legitimate one

Giuliano Battiston: Afghanistan Is Starving, but the Taliban Can Only Govern Women’s Clothing

There is an unprecedented economic and humanitarian crisis as the Taliban, divided and without a strategy, rely on edicts against women and repression

Mike Pappas: Resident Physicians Are Unionizing

They Must Challenge For-Profit Health Care

Jessica Corbett: Gov. Abbott’s Solution to Formula Shortage? Let Migrant Babies Starve

One ACLU attorney declared that every child, “regardless of whether Gov. Abbott and Border Patrol agents consider them ‘our child’ or not, deserves food and love.”

Eric Dirnbach: Book Review: ‘On the Line,’ By Daisy Pitkin

This new memoir by a union organizer recounts dramatic organizing campaigns with laundry workers and offers thoughts on building worker solidarity and power

David Rosen: The Buffalo Shooting and the Great Replacement

 While they will likely be defeated in their efforts to make the U.S. a “white-only” country, the rest of us will pay a heavy price

Jon Queally: ‘It’s a Fight They’ll Get’: Defenders of Abortion Rights March Nationwide

One speaker at the Ban Off Our Bodies rally in the nation’s capital said that Saturday was just “day one of a ‘Summer of Rage’ where we will be ungovernable. Ungovernable!”

Sonali Kolhatkar: As the Planet Warms, Let’s Be Clear: We Are Sacrificing Lives for Profits

As the climate changes, we begin to see where the bodies are buried—literally

Jeremy Corbyn: It’s Not Enough to Resist, We Have to Build, Too

The billionaires and corporations claim to hate government action. In reality, they love it. The only thing they hate is governments acting in your interests

Jake Johnson: ‘We Must Find an Agreement’: Zelenskyy Calls for Direct Talks With Putin

“I am ready to speak with Putin, but only with him, without his intermediaries and on the terms of dialogue, and not ultimatums,” said the Ukrainian president

Sharon Zhang: Activists Have Gathered Enough Signatures to Put $18 Wage on California Ballot

Please Help ZNet           Source: Truthout Photo by John Gomez/Shutterstock   California voters will likely soon get a chance to vote on raising the state’s minimum wage to $18 an hour, as proponents of the proposal have gathered enough signatures for the measure to appear on the ballot this November. On Read more…

Cecilia Capanna: Chile today: a laboratory to revive democracy

Interview with Giorgio Boccardo, Undersecretary of Labor

Sarah Lazare: Biden’s Silence on an Intellectual Property Waiver Speaks Volumes

The White House appears to have no plans to break Big Pharma’s stranglehold on global Covid-19 vaccines

Lonnie Ray Atkinson: An Alert And Knowledgeable Citizenry

The following is excerpted from a new book Don’t Think Of A Republican – How I Won A Republican Primary As A Lefty Progressive And You Can Too

Gabriela Silva: Farmworkers fight billionaires of Wendy’s, demand fair wages, working conditions

On May 12, the Coalition of Immokalee Workers held a rally and street performance outside the office of Wendy’s board members

Liam Meisner: In Today’s Election, Lebanon’s Left Has a Chance to Challenge the Establishment

The progressive opposition movement, Citizens in a State, is seeking to rebuild the country through a radical redistributive agenda

William I Robinson: Mass Protest Is Rising — Can It Confront Global Capitalism?

To effectively fight back, disjointed movements must find ways to come together into a larger emancipatory project, and develop creative strategies to push such a project forward

Noam Chomsky: Discussing America’s role in the Syrian civil war:

Please Help ZNet           This interview with world-renowned scholar and leading dissident Noam Chomsky has two goals. The primary goal is to understand America’s role in one of the bloodiest conflicts of the 21st century, the Syrian civil war. While there has been a lot of commentary on the Syrian civil Read more…

Patrick Cockburn: Will the Ukraine War End Without Destroying All Life on the Planet?

Interview on a descent into nuclear war hell

Don Fitz: Decriminalized Marijuana Reinvents Racism and Poisoning

The racism that permeated the age of criminalization now lurks throughout the phase of decriminalization

Hamilton Nolan: The Rip-Off Economy Will Save Itself. It Won’t Save You.

Squandering our national moment of opportunity at capitalism’s casino

Arthur MacEwan: Power, Wages, and Inequality

The American labor market is characterized by high levels of employer power

James Stone: Populism, Freedom, and the Current Threats to Democracy

Progressive Populists need to understand the current struggle as a long-term battle over whose interests the Democratic party and the broader U.S. political system serve

Tom H. Hastings: Calling in virtue

Please Help ZNet           I am an academic, with publications in peer-reviewed journals and a terminal degree. And today I want to make what many certified smart people would regard as an anti-intellectual argument in one specific area. I abhor the emotional and social corrosive effects of many aspects of “wokeness” Read more…

Nolan Higdon: Teaching Media Literacy Is the Only Real Answer to Fake News

Censorship is an ineffective solution that only complicates the threats posed by fake news

Stephen Maher: The State Organizes the Capitalist Class

The Working Class Will Have to Organize Itself

Jeremy Corbyn: The Athens Declaration

Members of the PI Council gather in Greece to call for “support for victims of war and a new Non-Aligned Movement.”

Henry A. Giroux: The War on Youth in the Age of Fascist Politics

Youth, especially youth of color, are not only viewed as a liability, much of their behavior is also being increasingly criminalized

Thom Hartmann: Why is the Supreme Court using religious belief to alter secular law?

Alito’s draft opinion is full of specious legal and historical language — but it’s just religious doctrine in drag

Kenny Stancil: Coastal Fire Shows Even the Rich ‘Are Not Safe From Earth Breakdown’

“The only way out,” said one climate scientist, is to “fight side by side and to strip power away from the rich corporatists who are leading us deeper into catastrophe, even as their own homes burn.”

Nick Buxton: The climate security agenda is more about strengthening military power than tackling climate instability

In the last seven years, the trends we identified in the book of promoting military and security solutions to the climate crisis have sadly become more entrenched

Jessica Corbett: After Biden Cancels Lease Sales, Groups Call for End to All Offshore Drilling

“It is time for the U.S. to commit to no new offshore oil and gas leasing and to invest in the clean energy future that we—and our planet—need.”

Jonathan Cook: Shireen Abu Akleh was executed to send a message to Palestinians

During 20 years of reporting on the conflict, I learned first-hand that Israel’s version of events around the deaths of Palestinians or foreigners can never be trusted

Nina Burleigh: America Unmasked

Did the Long Pandemic Spawn a New Kind of Repression?

Kevin Martin: To end the horror in Ukraine, go big, and go broad

The tragic, illegal war of aggression by Russia against Ukraine should end now, with a ceasefire and then a comprehensive peace agreement

John Quigley: I led talks on Donbas and Crimea in the 90s. Here’s how the war should end

After the USSR’s breakup, the OSCE knew that the large number of Russian speakers in Ukraine would become an issue

Katie Miernicki: Formula shortage crisis: U.S. capitalism fails even to feed babies

The out-of-stock rate began to rise in July, eventually reaching 31 percent

Rashid Khalidi: Israel Systematically Targets Palestinian Journalists to Hide Reality of Occupation

“It’s really important to Israel that nobody see what’s going on in the Occupied Territories.”

Extinction Rebellion: New York, Paris, London

Please Help ZNet           Source: Extinction Rebellion Introduction Dear rebels, Winter has retreated from the Northern hemisphere, and seeds of rebellion have been sprouting in some of its largest and most iconic cities. Last month saw three sustained campaigns of direct action launch across London, New York, and Paris in quick Read more…

Red Goat Collective: 21 Fallacies Feeding ‘Cancel Culture’

And holding back the contemporary U.S. Left

Lillian Cicerchia: We Failed to Protect Abortion Rights. We Need a Labor-Based Strategy

We should honestly assess our failures — and then build a movement that ties together labor, feminists, and health care organizing

Sheelah Kolhatkar: The Devastating Economic Impacts of an Abortion Ban

The legalization of abortion, had dramatic effects on the ages at which and the circumstances under which women became mothers

Shea Leibow: Taking on the Masters of War

Defense contractors like General Dynamics and Lockheed Martin hide behind a veneer of serving the U.S. government, but ultimately only care about selling weapons and making profits

Sara Sirota: U.S. Demands Russian War Crime Prosecution While Neglecting Its Own Accountability

The Defense Department promised a memo on mitigating U.S.-inflicted civilian harm in April. With the deadline passed, Congress members call for an ICC investigation — of Russia

Kenny Stancil: Librarians, Teachers Form Coalition to Fight GOP’s Book-Banning Frenzy

“Book bans are about limiting kids’ freedom to read and teachers’ freedom to teach”

Lonnie Ray Atkinson: People Hate Politicians

The following is excerpted from my a book Don’t Think Of A Republican – How I Won A Republican Primary As A Lefty Progressive And You Can Too

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