Memes to an End: Thots, ‘White Sharia,’ and the Misogynistic Heart of White Nationalism

If you haven’t already guessed, the “white sharia” meme is both an elaborate troll and a window into the twisted minds of the misogynists that populate the alt-right. Continue reading “Memes to an End: Thots, ‘White Sharia,’ and the Misogynistic Heart of White Nationalism”

Cassie Jaye’s Career Hits a Shameful New Low With Appearance on ‘The Alex Jones Show’

Cassie Jaye InfoWars

On the June 16, 2017 episode of his eponymous online show, Sandy Hook “truther” Alex Jones interviewed Cassie Jaye — the anti-feminist director of The Red Pill, a documentary sympathetic to the men’s rights movement. Continue reading “Cassie Jaye’s Career Hits a Shameful New Low With Appearance on ‘The Alex Jones Show’”

ICYMI — 5/2/17

White supremacists raise money for Andrew Anglin’s legal defense fund, American Renaissance suggests white nationalists embrace environmentalism, Matt Forney laments that his political “journalism” is no longer profitable, and more. Continue reading “ICYMI — 5/2/17”

Matt Forney Says Gamergate And The Trump Campaign Were Signs Of A White Revolt

At the recent Identitarian Ideas IX conference in Sweden, one of the more unorthodox speaker choices was Matt Forney. After all, Forney, the racist pickup artist and domestic abuser, has spent years boasting about sleeping with Filipino women — though I suppose that hasn’t stopped fellow skinhead Andrew Anglin from being accepted in white nationalist circles either.

Continue reading “Matt Forney Says Gamergate And The Trump Campaign Were Signs Of A White Revolt”

‘Red Pill’ Director Cassie Jaye Denounces Feminism on Alt-Right Podcast

Cassie Jaye sinks to new depths.

On a recent episode of This Alt-Right Life, white supremacist Matt Forney interviewed amateur filmmaker Cassie Jaye. Jaye, formerly a longtime feminist — according to her story — abandoned feminism after directing and producing the pro-men’s rights movie The Red Pill. Continue reading “‘Red Pill’ Director Cassie Jaye Denounces Feminism on Alt-Right Podcast”

Matt Forney: Women Who Have Abortions are ‘Monsters’ Obsessed With ‘Their Own Gratification’

Forney Pro-Life

In an August 18, 2016 post for the loathsome website Return of Kings, pickup artist and white supremacist Matt Forney wrote a long-winded diatribe condemning pro-choice women and advising men to “shun” them. Continue reading “Matt Forney: Women Who Have Abortions are ‘Monsters’ Obsessed With ‘Their Own Gratification’”