Jim Goad Joins White Nationalist Publishing House As A Biweekly Columnist

Far-right author Jim Goad announced earlier this month that he accepted a job as a biweekly columnist for Counter-Currents Publishing, a white nationalist imprint co-founded in 2010 by Greg Johnson. Goad made the announcement during an interview with Johnson, and revealed that he left his position with the racist publication Taki’s Magazine.

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ICYMI — 1/10/17

Several white nationalists were doxxed by the denizens of 8chan, American Renaissance bestows Glenn Beck with a sarcastic award, The Daily Stormer worries about transgender Beauty and the Beast dolls, and more. Continue reading “ICYMI — 1/10/17”

Kathy Shaidle Protests Canada’s Proposed Anti-Discrimination Law by Calling Transgender People ‘Insane’

Kathy Shaidle

In an article for the white nationalist-friendly Taki’s Magazine, Canadian blogger Kathy Shaidle took issue with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s proposed ban on anti-transgender discrimination. Continue reading “Kathy Shaidle Protests Canada’s Proposed Anti-Discrimination Law by Calling Transgender People ‘Insane’”

Jim Goad: Black Actors Are Angry About The Oscars Because ‘None Of The Major Acting Nominees’ Is ‘A Negro’

Over at Taki’s Magazine — an online cesspool that employs the likes of John Derbyshire and Steve Sailer — author/provocateur Jim Goad offered his unique take on the #OscarsSoWhite controversy. Continue reading “Jim Goad: Black Actors Are Angry About The Oscars Because ‘None Of The Major Acting Nominees’ Is ‘A Negro’”