Headlines — 2/20/20

A white supremacist gunman kills 9 in German hookah bars, Roger Stone is sentenced to over three years in prison, why there’s no reason to support Michael Bloomberg, and more.

VICE News – Gunman kills 9 in hookah bars in suspected far-right terror attack in Germany.
The Daily Beast – Racist German shooter exposes the global network of hate.
Dame Magazine – There’s no good reason to back Bloomberg.
Politico – Roger Stone sentenced to over three years in prison.
Media Matters – Fox News is pushing a debunked theory on the origins of the coronavirus — again.
The Nation – The walking while trans ban is ‘stop and frisk 2.0.’
The Intercept – Bloomberg apologized for stop-and-frisk. Why won’t he say sorry to Muslims for spying on them.
HuffPost – New Trump disability rule targets non-English speakers.